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Is it easier to become a Jedi now?


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I'm thinking of buying the Galaxies complete experience becasue I'm getting sick of the server lag in World of Warcraft. I just read about everything you have to do in An Empire Devided to be a jedi and was wondering if it has changed at all in either of the new expansions or recent patches?


I'f you can give me a strait answer like "Yes, its changed in this way...." or "No, sorry nothings changed" then please post. I'f your going to call me a newb and start a completely irrelevant convorsation on this thread, then please go to general discussion instead. I hope this thread will be decent enough to answer other players questions in the future.


Thank you

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well it depends on the last thing you heard about the difficulty of bein jedi.

OK here we go. (NB skip to end for point, this will just be a sarcastic rant)

Getting to be JEDI in capitals ie with the sabre and powers will take you about 3-4 months. Why? Well eventhough it starts off extremely easy to get to step 1 (Force Sensetive) all you do is go trekkin around the galaxy to different locations. you then have to do a few minor quests to unlock your force sensetive skills, of which you need 24. But dont worry they require about the same amount of xp to get as other skills in the game, HOWEVER, to get these xps you have to convert your normal xp (from fighting, crafting etc) into force xp at a ratio of 30:1, ie for 50000 force xp you need to get 1.5 million xp by other means. And 50,000 is only for novice skills. Eventually it'll take you about 48 days to get all the skills necessary to make a sabre, yay!! but wait theres more. you can only unlock one row of skills every 3 WEEKS and you get 4 of these phases where you can pick a new row of skills, which means you have 3 weeks to spend all day killing boring tedious lairs and fill your chosen row or wait for another 9 until you can finish it, but dont worry you have alot more of this boring all day killing to keep you occupied.

After all this, which will be about 4 months of gameplay, you get your sabre. Ah phew. But wait, who is that in the assault armour? A bounty hunter, oh jolly good, hello mister bounty hunter! Wait why are you aiming at me? Its your job to kill jedi? and you can do this whenever you want, so i must be alert at all times? and you far outdamage me and have much better armour? YOU WILL LEAVE ME ALONE...damn didnt work, now im dead and have lost 400xp, oh well i suppose it was worth it.


Ok so ive been sarcastic now and heres the point, its very hard/boring/tedious and after all of the above you have a lot more boring killing to do beofre you can match bounty hunters, who will always turn up ust wehn you've ran outta force powers. Bummer. My advice is this: if you're only getting this game to be a jedi, stick with slow servers on WoW.

If it was a year ago id say go for it, back then the xp ratio was only 3:1 apparently, but now its a nightmare and all you hear in these forums are how easy it is to be jedi these days and how they should be wiped form the game (a valid point btw, but im against it). There have been no changes in recent patches because of these people, but they are right and jedi should be hard to get. if you go for it take it slow and have fun, even if it takes a year, i was about 3 seconds away from uninstallin the game and buring the packaging when i was a hardcore force xp grinder, ive slowed down now and dont expect to be finished until christmas at least, but good luck anyway

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