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Help With Image Ready


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Okay, calling all Photoshop fiends, I have entered the world of Tweening and Gifs. Well, I have a wee problem. I want to create a .Gif from a video, it was first .WMV, recorded it through FRAPS, so now its now .AVI.

But when I open it in Image Ready, the preview/selection screen is blank white, even if I just select all of the frames and plan to delete the ones I dont like, it still doesn't work. So, you could either tell me how to fix it, or do it for me.



Edit: Link fixed


So like, I want it to seem like the guy has unlimited ammo, *Cha-Chin... bang, Cha-Chin... bang, Cha-Chin... bang* Just looping.


Could you also make it so I could use it as an Avatar (120x120 [keep the ratio correct], and under 40kb)

Its only like 5 frames, anyways.


And try syncin it up, it seems fluid if you dont start capturing frames from the very start.


Thanks (I feel like a n00b) :p

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