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Finding my limits...

Relyt Tsueg

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I need to know if having a modeling program is required to just edit the skins of existing characters (such as changing color markings on clone troopers).


If this is not the case, then how do you edit that, select the weapons for that class, and add it to your mod?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! I was able to open the .tga files for editing. However, this leads to more questions...


How would you edit the snowtrooper (snowtrooper2.tga)? I could just paint it over with red... but a solid red would look bad, compared to the weathered look it has now. There must be some trick to it, because I have seen some spectacular edited skins...


Secondly, how would you change the skin of a unit in a map that your making, without changing it for the whole game? I want to change all of the clonetroopers (except pilot and jet trooper) on a certain map of mine to the regular white armor (rep_inf_trooper.tga).

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Just change the tga file thats in your data folder (ex. DataMod1) and then it will only be modded for that specific mod map.


As for your problem with painting the storm trooper red, I suggest you use photoshop when editting ai skins, which are typically more detailed than unit skins. Working with shading is the main prob with paint (unless your a really good artist with paint that is), but to do what you want to do you need to get photoshop or at least something like it off of searching on google. But painting it a solid red color might be noticeable if you were planning to do a dark level in which shading does not necissarily matter.


Good Luck with your Hypori Mod :thumbsup:

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Did you read my previous post ?


Yes, but at that time I didn't realize that it is necessary to edit sides in order to change skins. But now I know!


PS : If you want to re-skin existing units without replacing shipped sides, but only for using with a custom map, then you should read that. ;)


I read it and played around with it... I ended up eliminating the Arc Trooper from my map, instead of just changing it's mesh and .tga to the plain clone. I think I'll try just replacing the .tga of the sniper first.


For editing .tga, I am using "the GIMP." That seems to do the trick! After fooling around with making a Blue Squadron X-wing skin, I was able to retexture the Geonosis techno-union wreck in my Hypori map so it looks more like a Republic craft. I also did the "Space Marine" skin, but I haven't tried it yet... as you can see from above, I am still working on figuring that out.

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