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Play as other side in singleplayer?


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Awesome game. I just passed the Xbox singleplayer missions, ending with Endor. I thought maybe passing them would allow me to replay as the opposite faction on each of those levels, but doesn't seem to be the case. I remember trying the Xbox demo that came on the Trilogy DVDs, and there I was able to choose Rebel or Empire. Was this just for the sake of demo purposes?

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Awesome game. I just passed the Xbox singleplayer missions, ending with Endor. I thought maybe passing them would allow me to replay as the opposite faction on each of those levels, but doesn't seem to be the case.
As far as I know, you can't swtch to the oposite side in a single player mission. But you can in instant action (which is basically the same as single player).


I remember trying the Xbox demo that came on the Trilogy DVDs, and there I was able to choose Rebel or Empire. Was this just for the sake of demo purposes?
Most likely.


Oh, and welcome to LucasForums! :)

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Ah, the Instant Action. I should have looked more closely at that, but since it seemed the same as single player I didn't go all through the menus. I'll try that out in the morning. It's great it's such an extensive game with so much replay value. I was just checking out the Galactic Conquest option.


Thanks Darth Andrew, and thanks for the welcome! :)

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