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Worth Getting Back Into?


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Hey, I used to play Galaxies maybe a year ago. i quit right after JTLS came out due to too little time able to play it for how much it cost me...college ain't cheap. Now I have more time and it would be more worth it. But is it? I'm just curious for opinions as to whether the game has gotten better/worse. See if the game itself is still worth playing. For me it was before. What are the changes, other the the JTLS expansion. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The recent changes to the game show that the developement team havent got a clue! My view is that Galaxies has not improved at all since it started. People may argue the introduction of Mounts and vehicles - which, in my view - should have been in the game since day 1.


Rage of the wookiees shows how much the dev team care about its community by creating an unfinished product - a total insult - followed up by 3 completely pointless publishes - one of which they were forced to over turn by the communties outrage.


The only experience Galaxies is would be a total grind. With no new content (IE dungeons or quests of any real value) added to the game in almost a year - excluding the uncompleted expansion packs really does kick the community where it hurts.


Pay for a month, see how you get on but you will find it to be probably the biggest bore ever. Blizzard (world of warcraft) are certainly showing SOE how online games should be done.



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if i knew how much of a wild goose chase some of these earlier missions were gonna be i would not of bothered with the game....i am still stuck and it is the last mission of trehla keelo(so,not very far into it)and i have been stuck for 3-4 days now without being able to get anywhere....i would of stayed with final fantasy 11,if i would of known

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