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Does the saber damage cvar affect Saber Throw damage?

Lathain Valtiel

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I've recently had an ass bitching on Meatgrinder (Note for Kurg: kronikZ) that my saber throws were recieving enhanced damage due to the fact the saber damage cvar was set at 2 (the Jedi Master's normal swings would be pretty useless without it with single in my mind...). I've been under the impression for a long time that saber damage cvars have no effect on Saber Throw. Is this not so?

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Oh im an ass am i? is that due to the fact that you know I have more skill- In (ill bet) way less than the amount of time that you've been playing? If im an ass than you are a worthless tool of a shadow of an admin. Lamethain AKA (LEZBO) is just mad because I cleared a whole room of people who agreed to not play with him due to his ridiculous PT spamming. I convinced EVERYONE to leave, and taught him a valuable lesson. No one wants to play with a lameo that has no style, no grace, who can't use lightning or grip, and most of all- WHO is afraid to lose! An ASS! rofl- you need some special glasses to play me during daylight hours- You know were you can shove your gamepad. Real men use keyboard mouse, not some sissy gamepad! ROFL...you will fear this LAMETHAIN. I'm recruiting many non noob to join in your little JM bubble- So you wont be able to run away and kill noobs forever. You'll have to start pulling guns and protecting them so I cant shoot you---you tool of a saberist. Ha HA HAW! I look foward to using your skull as my personal ashtray jedi scum! Nuff said. :manny:

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With saberrealisticdamage set to 10, my saber throws frequently cut opponents into three or four pieces at the higher levels.


I'm guessing you're confusing SP and MP.


There is no saberrealisticdamage cvar. If you mean Saberrealistic combat, that doesn't even work in JA, that's a JK2 command. And SaberMORErealistic, the JA command only works in single player.


Did you mean your server had g_saberdamagescale 10 set? Because that's the only way your post would have made sense. Sorry...


You can't cut people into "three or four pieces" in Multiplayer, unless they're using the Fett model, and then that has nothing to do with the damage factor, only the dismember factor. Everyone else you'll only cut off one piece, unless you were using some mod.

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Hmm, my post isn't posting, let's see. Basically Lath, I'd say use more tact next time (don't post the name of the "ass" in public, do so in private to me). And to Kronikz, have some maturity.


Is driving people away from my server because we don't fit your definition of "good gameplay" a mature thing to do? It sounds like you're upset that Lath used a tactic you don't approve of. Well guess what, Lath is an admin on our server! He wouldn't be here if he wasn't doing what we wanted him to do. He's using tactics that are completely valid. He whined about you here, but it was because of your behavior, to something that was not completely legal on our server. Other people pull throw all the time on our server and not a one of them has been warned or banned for it. Sure sometimes people whine or joking call them a PT whore but the fact is, it's allowed.


You're still welcome to our server, but please, in the future, don't whine about our playing styles on OUR server. Thank you.


Rather than trying to get people to leave our server, why don't you just go to one that suites you?



As far as I know, SaberDamageScale does not affect saber throw. Saber throw in JA MP does RANDOM DAMAGE. It can do up to 160 (iirc) and if it hits you in the head, you're pretty much a goner in most cases. That poster above seems to be confusing Single Player and Multiplayer. There is no such cvar and cutting people in multiple fragments has nothing to do with damage (and it's not even possible in normal MP, except with the Fett model due to a glitch).


There is no "enhanced Saber Throw" on our server. The SaberDamageScale has and always will be set at 2. So the damage now is no different than many months ago when the server began. If you don't like it, find another server, I guess.


I welcome constructive criticism about my server. I've even taken some of your advice in the past Kronikz, but this isn't the way to make a suggestion. Lath I'm sure will be more tactful next time about "incidents" on the server, but in this case I think he was well within his rights. So let's leave it at that and break off this little flame spat.

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Ok Kron, the joke's on us, you had us (me) fooled! ;)


But at least we've cleared up the "mystery" of the saber throw damage (it's just like I said).


man take a chill pill, its just a game in the end.


Give this man a prize!


Sheesh... well I guess I've had a stressful enough week. Have fun!

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I'm guessing you're confusing SP and MP.


There is no saberrealisticdamage cvar. If you mean Saberrealistic combat, that doesn't even work in JA, that's a JK2 command. And SaberMORErealistic, the JA command only works in single player.

You would be accurate. I didn't realise that MeatGrinder was a MP game. I just figured it for some obscure JA board. I don't play MP, largely because it's a totally different gaming environment loaded up with people like Kronikz who take gaming far too seriously, like twitching a keyboard was an actual skill. I get my skills in the ritual way. If I want to be good at swordplay, I buy a sword and practice (and yes, I own swords - two real, two practice).

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Aww, you might like Meatgrinder. It's cutthroat competition but also laid back fun.


Seriously, Kron and the rest of us give each other crap, but ultimately we keep playing, and the server prospers. We're one of the few popular dedicated servers that caters to the "non honorz" people in the community. We have few rules and we don't stand on ceremony.


But maybe that's more your thing, I don't know. But I figure it's somewhat unique in a community dominated by a "duel bow or u kicked" mentality.


Plus we're helping RazorAce test the OJP mod, which doesn't mess around with the core gameplay, but fixes bugs/removes exploits and adds cool features like advanced bots, auto team balancer and the missing game modes from JK2 (and many more things too numerous to list).

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Aww, you might like Meatgrinder. It's cutthroat competition but also laid back fun.


Seriously, Kron and the rest of us give each other crap, but ultimately we keep playing, and the server prospers. We're one of the few popular dedicated servers that caters to the "non honorz" people in the community. We have few rules and we don't stand on ceremony.


But maybe that's more your thing, I don't know. But I figure it's somewhat unique in a community dominated by a "duel bow or u kicked" mentality.


Plus we're helping RazorAce test the OJP mod, which doesn't mess around with the core gameplay, but fixes bugs/removes exploits and adds cool features like advanced bots, auto team balancer and the missing game modes from JK2 (and many more things too numerous to list).


That's not the question. I'd enter your world and fight my butt off. I don't have a problem with that. I might even kick a few b**ts. I just don't like getting peed on because some schlemege decides to get a hard-on because I happen on a technique the they didn't think of first. BOO HOO. If somebody out-thought you, then tough noogins. You lose. That's not my fault for finding it, it's your fault for missing it. Calling somebody an A** H*** for missing a good trick is cheap.

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Oh, that's cool. Get all pissy about how I'm not being fair to you, but the MeatGrinder server at isn't available. That must be nice. You get to be all about you, and nobody can do anything about it. Fine. A bunch of lackluster wannabees who defend their less-than-envious position by simply not allowing anybody to challenge them.


Terrific. Be all you can be. Such as it is.

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That's not the question. I'd enter your world and fight my butt off. I don't have a problem with that. I might even kick a few b**ts. I just don't like getting peed on because some schlemege decides to get a hard-on because I happen on a technique the they didn't think of first. BOO HOO. If somebody out-thought you, then tough noogins. You lose. That's not my fault for finding it, it's your fault for missing it. Calling somebody an A** H*** for missing a good trick is cheap.


My point was, on our server we're anti-whiner. Sure Lath and I tease each other sometimes by calling each other "hax0rz!" and stuff but we're joking. We know neither of us "hax" (whatever that means). Generally people just play, if they get frustrated they leave.


The few whiners are the exception. There's no way to stop such people from existing in online games, they just do. But unlike on other servers, they don't "get their way." You won't get vote kicked or bitched out by the admin for winning or for using some legit tactic that nobody is able to beat.


So you're "safer" on our server than on a lot of them. If you refuse to play online games just because somebody MIGHT whine about your playing style, well, I think it's a sorry excuse and you're missing out on a lot of fun!


Go ahead and join our server and pull throw all day long, we won't stop you. If somebody whines about it, too dang bad for them!

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Oh, that's cool. Get all pissy about how I'm not being fair to you, but the MeatGrinder server at isn't available. That must be nice. You get to be all about you, and nobody can do anything about it. Fine. A bunch of lackluster wannabees who defend their less-than-envious position by simply not allowing anybody to challenge them.


Terrific. Be all you can be. Such as it is.


What on earth are you talking about? Our server's IP is and it's up right now. It reboots itself every morning at 7am CST and stays down for 90 minutes unless one of us reboots it manually. We can't change that (we can only change the time of day it reboots, it used to reboot at 4am, but it has to reboot every 24 hours or things get crappy, so it does so automatically). A manual reboot takes 2 minutes, but it still has to happen, period. During that time you'll just have to cool your heels.


You try running a server 24/7 for months and months like we do. But of all the complaints we've ever recieved, this has go to be the most ridiculous. We're "wannabes" because the server wasn't up when you tried to join? LOL!


I don't know what you're getting at accusing us of things. Did you even join? Or are you just whining because the server was down?


I think you're judging us too harshly, based on.... nothing. Join now, go ahead, I dare ya. ;) Should we assume if you don't show up that you are the wannabe, and not us? That wouldn't be fair. So just join, have a good time, and I hope your view will be expanded.

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was a precious post deleted? ...because i didnt quite follow what you are trying to say in your last post. but as for meatgrinder, it is there, at least it was 5 minutes ago ... though its prone to go down sometimes, but that could be my ****ty connection from hundreds of miles away...


edit: this was meant for yrthwyndandfyre, obviously kurgan types alot faster than me :p

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Hehe. ;) At first I thought perhaps a post was lost, but it appears from the above that he considered my post a direct challenge, tried to join, found it was down and then assumed we were playing possum just so he couldn't face us in combat.


At least that's how I interpreted it.


Was yrthwyndandfyre one of the people who was "convinced to leave" in Kron's prank above, or who is he? Is that his in-game handle as well? The name doesn't look familiar, but then I haven't been on much in the last 1 1/2 months due to school/work. Lath and Cannoli are in charge in my absence, and I'm sure either of them can take him. ;)


It just seems a bit silly to just assume a particular server is crap before you even go there!

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You try running a server 24/7 for months and months like we do. But of all the complaints we've ever recieved, this has go to be the most ridiculous. We're "wannabes" because the server wasn't up when you tried to join?

I do run servers (that's multiple) 24/7 for years on end. You talk about it like it's an onerous burden. If you configure them right, they demand about 12 minutes attention per month.

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No, running a server is easy after a time. I was just explaining in case you didn't understand. Apparently you know everything about it, so you know why a server can go down!


I'm just puzzled why you seemingly got so pissed off above. I mean what did we do wrong, exactly?


Apparently you tried to join when the server was down, and freaked out, like we were personally insulting you... I felt like I missed something. :confused:



Anyway, feel free to join anytime. The server resets at 7:00 CST, it comes back up at 8:30am CST.

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No, running a server is easy after a time. I was just explaining in case you didn't understand. Apparently you know everything about it, so you know why a server can go down!


I'm just puzzled why you seemingly got so pissed off above. I mean what did we do wrong, exactly?


Apparently you tried to join when the server was down, and freaked out, like we were personally insulting you... I felt like I missed something. :confused:



Anyway, feel free to join anytime. The server resets at 7:00 CST, it comes back up at 8:30am CST.

Let me ask you this. Just assuming that the first time was during your 7:00 AM down time and I couldn't join, then why couldn't I join a few days later at 9:00 PM? Yes, I checked the clock. I can ping that server, but presuming it booted up properly, then I could ping it. Actually joining the game presumes that the game is running. That appears to not be true.


Now, knowing that all of the above are true, then what part of "Join us and have fun" versus "no way to join" has confused you?

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Well, let me put it to you this way, hundreds of people are joining our server and playing for hours and hours every day. We have an open door policy, we don't screen everyone who enters.


If they can get in, so can you, unless there's some problem on your end preventing it. I don't know all the details of your setup but I don't see why you should be having problems.


How many times did you try joining our server? Did you try, wait a few minutes then try again?


Let me say again, once and for all, there is no conspiracy to prevent you from joining. We are not "hiding" from you. Why would we shut the server down immediately as soon as you joined? I assure you nothing silly like that is going on. It wouldn't make sense to deny ONE PERSON from joining the server by taking it down, when we have so many different people coming and going.


If you're banned, that's another matter entirely, but I think you'd know the difference between your IP being banned and you simply showing up at a bad time. If you are banned, email me your IP and I'll see about removing the ban (if it exists).


The truth is if in fact you unluckily joined at the moment when Lath, Razor, or Cannoli (but not me, since I haven't had time to mess with it lately) had hit the "reset" button, you could have rejoined after 2 minutes and played. The server is located in Texas (and hosted by EscapedTurkey), so it shouldn't have been negatively impacted by the Hurricanes either.


Try again, keep trying until you get in, that's my advice. Just don't accuse us of conspiracy or cowardice.


Check the status of the server anytime by clicking here:


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Well, haven't seen your reply, so I assume you must have gotten in ok?

I gave up trying. I have hundreds of highly significant impositions on my time that bear greatly on my real life - not the status of your servers. I can't ping it constantly to see if it's there, or try it every few minutes to see if it has suddenly become available. There are a dozen people whose livelihoods depend on my attention. Sorry, but they have dibs over whether or not you can keep your computer running right. Sorry, but that's just how it is.

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Ah, but you don't have to "ping it constantly to see if it's there, or try it every few minutes to see if it has suddenly become available," you just could click that link I provided. One click access 24/7.


And you just got through saying that adminning a server requires no time at all, and now suddenly your customers are taking away all your attention and you can't be bothered. Right. ;)


You're backing out, that's fine, your choice. I can see now you were never here to offer constructive feedback or some kind of challenge, rather this was just an attempt at a rant (either against EscapedTurkey.com or our admins I don't know which), that couldn't be backed up with anything.


If you can't take the time, don't attack. And guess what, you're still welcome! But don't let that stop you... ;)


I knew I should have smelled "troll" when I got on here. Sorry for wasting anyone's time!

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