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Hide weapons in animations


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Hide Weapons in Animation Mod (kotor 2 version)


Downloadable Here or Here


By Ancharos




This mod hides your weapons from view when an animation is played, making the game look less gawky.





When I played Kotor 2 for the first time i was annoyed by the melle and blaster weapons getting in the way when the game is using the "computer" animation. Also i was annoyed when i saw atton in the Ebon Hawk With navigating with duel vibroblades visable.




Just place the Animations.2da file in your swkotor2/overide directory. If you don't have an overide directory, Make one in the SWKOTOR2 directory.

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The only problem is in the cutscene where Sion cuts off Kreia's hand he is holding nothing <.<


And at the end game where Kreia "spawns" the 3 lightsabers nothing appears either. In fact there are some really glitchy things if you use this mod. E.g. all duals/combined efforts with the jedi masters look really messed up, (Vrook runs off to fight the mercs with nothing in his hands, kavar kills 2 Onderon Vaklu soldiers with magical invsa-sabers. Its just really messed up. I altererd mine so the cutscenes have weapons still visible but everything else is the way it was so it looks much better IMO :)


Just a heads up

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The only problem is in the cutscene where Sion cuts off Kreia's hand he is holding nothing <.<


And at the end game where Kreia "spawns" the 3 lightsabers nothing appears either. In fact there are some really glitchy things if you use this mod. E.g. all duals/combined efforts with the jedi masters look really messed up, (Vrook runs off to fight the mercs with nothing in his hands, kavar kills 2 Onderon Vaklu soldiers with magical invsa-sabers. Its just really messed up. I altererd mine so the cutscenes have weapons still visible but everything else is the way it was so it looks much better IMO :)


Just a heads up


Hmm, i heard of the first one. It figures, but no lightsabers spawning? That BRAND new. I'll have to check that out of myself.


*dusts off TSL*

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