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22FG I want a Fight! Now!

Rebel Loyaltist

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Guest Fondas

Be carefull what you wish for RL ! wink.gif



The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7



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Guest wedge_antil3

wedge walks in drunk and shocks K_Kinnison with his tasser and walks out grinning




K_Kinnison lays on the floor Unconscious with saliva driping out his mouth.


[This message has been edited by wedge_antil3 (edited April 19, 2000).]

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Guest Clef Ostin

SO you want a fight?

you can have one.


* commands a unit Stormtroopers in to the cantina - cant find a rebel - graps the empty beer tin from the flor just to press it like a cheese, slams the tin into a corner:"Damn" *





Clef Ostin, XO/WO, 22nd Flight Group

"You got millions of legions behind you"




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TK421

Hey where'd all my Stormie buddies go! We get in trouble if we don't stay in a group.


* Fires his StormTrooper rifle at Ewok-General Kinnison, but somehow misses and hit's Nutz in the head *

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Guest TK421



* TK runs screaming from the cruel Kinnison *


Beside's don't you know all StormTrooper suits have a ring-pull :p Ha Ha Ha



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Guest TK421

"All the Emperor's lackey's and all the Emperor's men couldn't put poor TK back together again frown.gif"


* just then an entire legion of the Empire's best troops arrive on the scene and proceed to turn Kinnison into swiss cheese! *



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Guest TK421

That was suppose to be a Cheese trap K_K, you're from the Cheese state right? Course if you're not then I sound like a complete idiot, funny how familiar that feels biggrin.gif


That's right come get the cheese, good boy.

no don't worry about that thermal detonator in the middle just chomp down hard wink.gif




Oh look, it's raining Kinnison kibbles biggrin.gif


- say where is everybody from, I'm from South Australia (the dryest state in the dryest country on earth - fact).

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Guest Fel Crynyd

*after laffing at all the occurences Zaps TK421 and watches him fry*


BBQ any one? And no Ewoks are not invited so BACK OFF BEFORE I ZAP YOU TO, YA FURBALL!!

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Guest TK421

Sorry but due to my little war with Admiral Zaarin ( you ugly Gammorrean you! wink.gif ) my new clone is completely immune to frying, immolating, internal combustion or being thrown into stars!


* TK uses a taser on Fel, picks up his twitching unconcious body and throws him on the BBQ until he's medium rare, nicely garnished with melted Kinnison cheese, yum *


Where is Zaarin! I've got a Deathstar with his name on it here. biggrin.gif


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Guest Avenger1

"HeeeeY EverrrrybbbBoDY WhereSss ThhE BEeeeer Att?"

Avenger1 says, as he drunkenly stumbles in to the cantina. Suddenly he trips on a peanut and his light saber falls to the ground slicing

TK421's foot off. "Whhhopssie ThhHAt Mmmust have Sstung." "Aaa lLittle Bacta, and yourr ffffoot willl bee assss good asss newww!"



May the force be with you!

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Guest Thrawn

so much for a fight...



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Thrawn

haha tht's funny, but this is funnier

/me prepares to give milkshake a demotion in the RAL



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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