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What the Heck? (K1 spoilers probable)

The Doctor

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Ok, so at the end of KotOR, if you fought Jagi, Canderous says he no longer wants to be a Mandalorian, that "the clans aren't what they once were", and that the wasy of the Mandalorians is dead. So why/how did he became Mandalore, the leader of the Mandalorians?



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If you payed attention and finished the game fully and throughly you would know that Mandalore says directly in the game

I am the new Mandalore. I have reclaimed Mandalore's helmet, lost after our defeat at Revan's hands.



Think about it, even if you hated the military and were given a chance to command something of a scale so huge it is known through-out the universe don't you think you would be just a little tempted hmmmm?


About Revan: Since TSL is so full of holes a lot of the story was cut due to time restaints so we never really get the full scoop about Revan and his/her teachers :(


Edit: And the reason Mandalore became well... Mandalore is because he was going to reunite the clans into an honorable group again. So the Mandalorian name actually had some level of pride with it. Just think of them as futuristic Star Wars chinese samuria ;)

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Think about it, even if you hated the military and were given a chance to command something of a scale so huge it is known through-out the universe don't you think you would be just a little tempted hmmmm?


No, I wouldn't want to command an army. That would suck. I have enough trouble with my current level of responsibility at work, much less commanding thousands of people instead of three or four.

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