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Mandalore Confusion

The Doctor

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How did Mandalore not recognize the Ebon Hawk, T3-M4, HK-47, and Admiral Onasi? Is he stupid, or does he have amnesia or something? TSL was very confusing for me. (ie how can a droid voice lock the navicomputer?)


Oh he did, he just didn't recognize the Exile (obviously).


T3 probably had a sample of Revan's voice. He plays it and the navicomputer is unlocked!

Revan probably locked it himself prior to his departure.

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How did Mandalore not recognize the Ebon Hawk, T3-M4, HK-47, and Admiral Onasi? Is he stupid, or does he have amnesia or something? TSL was very confusing for me. (ie how can a droid voice lock the navicomputer?)


I dont know if Mandalore ever runs into Admiral Onasi, I know the Exile does. As for the Ebon Hawk, its changed alot so maybe thats why he doesnt remember it right off the bat. As for T3_M4 and Hk-47, there are alot of astromech and HK droids throughout the galaxy so to not remember those two out of all of them is understandable. T3_M4 probably either has a recording of Revan's voice to lock/unlock the navi-computer or otherwise he just hacks in there whenever he wants to get in. Either way, Revan gave him some ability to be able to get in and out of it whenever he wants. Lets just hope some hidden order doesnt pop up in T3's head one night and he runs off with the ship without his companions while theyre out exploring.

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