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DS point for using DS powers


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Something like this? http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=151494


With this power, the player gains DS points if his alignment is slightly ds to total LS. All the DS force powers would have to be edited in k_inc_force.nss. However, in order not to mess up with the influence system, I would apply it only when the PC uses DS force powers. It's not complicated, just a matter of adding a few lines of code. I can't do it right now as I don't have the game with me but you can look at the source code in the force choke anyone mod.

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Here is a quick modification that will give 1 DS point every time you use a darkside power and 1 LS point every time you use a Lightside power (to discourage darksiders from using LS powers and not just lightsiders from DS powers).


Since it would be insanely annoying to have "DS/LS points gained" feedback pop up every time you use a non-neutral power it will only display such feedback every 10 points in either direction that has been changed. (For some reason the game won't update your party members influenced alignment and your LS/DS Mastery status until the feedback thing is used.)

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