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JO to JA


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One of my friends left a burnt copy of JO at my house about four years ago, I popped it in about a year ago and have played it ever since.


I'm starting to tire of it now and before I buy JA I'd like some input on the transition between the two.


In essence, as a noob stepping into your realm... what should I know?




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Jedi Academy has a great multiplayer mode called Siege, its a team-based thing where you have to complete objectives to win. Definately worth the money.


But copying Jedi Outcast? Buy the game, it is only $10! Copying it is illegal.

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But copying Jedi Outcast? Buy the game, it is only $10! Copying it is illegal.

Yeah. Buy the game. Reminds me of some guy (Mich or something) in a CTF server the other day - he kept asking me questions about things that were in the instruction manual, and then said he didn't have one because he downloaded the game. >_> "lol wot rong wit dat im not payin 4 diz"


Anyway, Jedi Academy is far superior to Jedi Outcast in the eyes of many (myself included). It features greater gameplay in single player (though the story isn't quite as good), greater gameplay in multiplayer (the two new saber types certainly add a lot to saber fighting), and the Siege mode is great. As for the transition between them - if you're good at Jedi Outcast (which I'd assume you are by now), you should have no problem getting into the game. The main things that would be new to you are the acrobatics, saber specials, and saber types. Just read through the in-game 'Moves' menu to learn how to perform each move.

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Anyway, Jedi Academy is far superior to Jedi Outcast in the eyes of many (myself included). It features greater gameplay in single player (though the story isn't quite as good), greater gameplay in multiplayer (the two new saber types certainly add a lot to saber fighting), and the Siege mode is great. As for the transition between them - if you're good at Jedi Outcast (which I'd assume you are by now), you should have no problem getting into the game. The main things that would be new to you are the acrobatics, saber specials, and saber types. Just read through the in-game 'Moves' menu to learn how to perform each move.


For the most part, Zero is correct. Siege mode was a good idea but poorly implemented. The maps are ugly and even somewhat incomplete. For a better idea of Siege mode, take a look atReturn to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

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Jedi Academy has a great multiplayer mode called Siege, its a team-based thing where you have to complete objectives to win. Definately worth the money.


But copying Jedi Outcast? Buy the game, it is only $10! Copying it is illegal.




I didn't copy it, rather my friend copied it and he left it at my house. Somehow it made it into my CD case and I only started playing it a year ago.


I doubt GL will go hungry without my ten dollars!



I rather spend it on JA even though I hear JO players smashing on it constantly.


Apparently it's "easier" is this the case?

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein > Enemy Territory.


Enemy Territory is an expansion of RtCW. You can't compare them fairly. The expansion only has 6 maps, is free, and supplies a better version of the team-based objective gameplay. RtCW is full retail product with large SP and MP modes.

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Enemy Territory is an expansion of RtCW. You can't compare them fairly. The expansion only has 6 maps, is free, and supplies a better version of the team-based objective gameplay. RtCW is full retail product with large SP and MP modes.

It's a stand-alone game, and so counts as a seperate game. While RtCW isn't free, it provides better gameplay (better maps, better performance, etc.).

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Hey if you like Enemey Territory or CounterStrike or battlfield2 better, by all means, go play those games.


If you want JA exactly the same as JK2, then don't even bother, it's not exactly the same (the differences are minor, but matter to hardcore players of either game). Play them both for the SP, stay for the MP.


But if you want a class based Jedi Knight game with objectives, Siege is a pretty good deal, and OJP fixes a lot of the bugs and problems people complain about. The only real drawback is lack of maps (except for MovieBattles2 mod if that's your thing).


In any case, check out my site (linked from my sig below) and join Meatgrinder, which is back btw, and you can have lots of fun, as long as you're not a sore loser. ;)


JA and JK2 are so inexpensive these days, you can't afford to pass them up!


In any case, I can't think of a server I could recommend more (and yes I'm biased) than Meatgrinder for pure competative gameplay, plus fixes that don't destroy the core gameplay the developers intended. Plus it adds in those missing game modes like Holocron and Jedi Master, if you were missing those from JK2!

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