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Jedi Master robes with mentor feat?

Master Dakari

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On PCGameMods.com rgb posted his mod for Short Robes. I downloaded the mods and I like it alot. One thing that realy sticks out is the Quatra and Jorak Uln robes. Both of these robes feature the Bonus Feat: Mentor and Bonus Feat: Force Chain.


I found this quite interesting. And I though to myself that both of these feats should be added to the Jedi Master robes by default. My rationalization of this thought is because to be Jedi Master one must be a mentor (unless they hold the title by honorary means) and also it is not uncommon for "such a bond" to form between a master and student.


My request is if someone here could change the default stats of the Padawan, Knight, and Master robes? No re-texturing needed . No stats would change, only that the Padawan and Knight robes gets Force Chain added, and the Master robe gets both Force Chain and Mentor added.


Thanks to anyone who's willing.


P.S. This is for TSL by the way.

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padawan, knight, and master

3 uti's ready to load.

how do you want me to get them to you?

If I may I would suggest uploading them to pcgamemods with a "inspired by an idea from Master Dakari" that way the rest of us can download them if wish.

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OMG, dude! That was fast.


Thank you so much! I would have done them myself but I have no idea how to mod. The whole idea kinda scares me. I think I would utterly screw something up if I tried.


I've got them but now I have a question, do i have to restart a new game or should they work with games already in progress?


Again, thank you.

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They probably won't cover already saved items, (equipped, or in inventory) but they should cover any that you haven't uncovered yet. (random loot, merchants stock, etc.) So if you want to replace the ones in your inventory already, you can break your old ones down or sell them, then get new ones (purchase, cheat, build, etc.) ...or starting a new game will clear it all up.


As to a fear of modding, believe me I understand the hesitation. But for things like this, with no modification to textures or models... just item properties, KotorTool is a great program thats pretty user-friendly. I highly recommend downloading it (and .NET framework, which is required to run it) then whenever you get an idea for item properties, its just a matter of opening KT and playing around a little with drop-down menus. The maker of KT, Fred Tetra has done a great job with it, and he keeps adding more functionality to it all the time. This will probably be the first-step recommended by most modders.

you can get KT and .NET framework at Fred's site Here.


enjoy! I was happy to help, and please let me know if there are any problems or if thats not exactly what you were asking for.

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I will have to start a new game for them to start showing, but if nothing changed other than the added feats, then it is exactly what I was asking for.


And thanks for the tips. But, if I get the program, how to I get a changed item into the game? Do I save the changes under a new name and place that file in the override folder or what?


I've never done it before so all I have experience with it downloading, extracting when required, and placing in override.


P.S. On PCGameMods.com you say to drop the three files in the override folder. The only file I have is mentor_chain robes.rar. Is this all three files?

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I will have to start a new game for them to start showing, but if nothing changed other than the added feats, then it is exactly what I was asking for.


And thanks for the tips. But, if I get the program, how to I get a changed item into the game? Do I save the changes under a new name and place that file in the override folder or what?


I've never done it before so all I have experience with it downloading, extracting when required, and placing in override.

There are a few ways of getting the items in game..


you can overwrite a current item of the same type (one you dont like and never use)


scripting - sounds hard but really isnt


adding your item to the workbench so you can "make" it


adding it to the random loot files so you can find it in game.


Which one you choose is up to you but probably the easiest way is adding it to the work bench so you can just go ahead and make it when you have the right stats


P.S. On PCGameMods.com you say to drop the three files in the override folder. The only file I have is mentor_chain robes.rar. Is this all three files?

You will need to unpack the rar file. This is a compressed file type like a zip file, but better (smaller and easier to transfer)


Get winrar here: http://www.rarlab.com/

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yes, all 3 files are compressed into the rar you mentioned. They will need to be extracted.


This thread should tell you what you need to know.


As for adding new items to the game, its the same as with other mods, you put the files into your Override folder. If you keep the same name, then your item will replace the normal item. If you give it a diff name then it will need to be cheated in.... unless you learn some more complicated modding procedures to script them into the game. This is an area that there are much more capable modders to ask about. If youre interested in that kind of thing, you should spend some time perusing the Holowan Labs forums to see what kind of tutorials and information are already out there. There are lots of helpful threads on different modding topics. I hope this helps.

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Here would be some instructions for placing these:


1.) Download them

2.) Extract them to your desktop for now

3.) Drop the three files in the mentor chain robes into your override folder



If you don't have the override folder


1.) Go into "My Computer"

2.) Click on C:\

3.) Go into "Program Files"

4.) Click on "LucasArts"

5.) Click on SWKotOR2

6.) Right Click anywhere and make a "New Folder" and name it Override

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