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What New Characters would you want in KOTOR 3

Darth Serebus

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Here are my suggestions( note: this goes by my version of the game )


Telana- Daughter of one of the true sith in the Outer Rim who has been trained entirely in the Sith ways. She is a potiential DARKSIDE love/ego booster interest only. She is on one of the moons of the planet Va-Naush representing the Sith for negotiations in gathering intel on the Republics defenses. She carries a traditional red saber with a bone hilt. She has control of her saber like Darth Treya, she preferes to fight at a distance. She looks at you as a powerful user in the FORCE, if your a lightside character she will try to manipulate your judgement. She cannot be turned to the light.



Garrison- A Jedi who became a Bounty hunter for the Sith in the outer Rim on the 2nd moon of Va-Naush. This moon has the ability to disrupt the force completely. Those strong in the force are rendered blind. Garrison has adapted well to this planet, he cares not for light or dark sides of the Force, he has became content with his family. Depending on how the story is graphed, you execute Garrison's family. Or the True sith do, sensing he was once a force Sensative, or as a lightside player you protect his family.

Choice 1- creates a deadly enemy

Choice 2- manipulates him to join your party for revenge

Choice 3- persuades him to join your party out of debt.

Garrison carries 2 bounty hunter heavy rifles, he still uses his blue Light saber to indicate he is a user of the force, although he cannot use the Force on the moon. Garrison also has a cool helmet which enables you to target people at long distances. His suit consists of two mobile rocket boosters which look almost like another set of legs. This helps in enviormental air combat.



Evonna Storm- A lightside padawan of the Yoda look alike who has not completed her training- Potiential love interest only if you have fallen to the darkside-- she will try and save you or sacrifice herself to save you to push you back to the light. As a lightside character she looks at you as no one until Telana takes interest in you because of your power in the FORCE. Thus she tries to accompany you on most missions to prevent Telana's manipulation. She carries a orange light saber.



I have more, but thats it for now.


What are your ideas

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Well, I am not sure about names, but I would have:


Canderous: Still Mandalore, except this time he has a jetpack with a feature like force jump. Has the special ability to carry around two two-handed weapons, like two blaster rifles.


Bastila Shan: Temporary, and maybe not even there if you killed her in K1. She would be your Jedi Master, except if she was dead. Otherwise, it would be-


HK-47: Pretty obvious. I think that they should continue with the HK-50s, maybe make some HK-54s or something. Say, what about making a new model that is programmed for female, and HK meets with her? That might be kind of funny, a droid romance.


T3-M3: Again, pretty obvious why.


EDIT (Again!): I pretty much deleted all my stuff. Didn't like it anymore.

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Hmm Thanks for th kudos.


People dont normally respond to newbies. LOL


Heres some more characters..


Phade- A former Sith who had the ability to use the darkside of the Force. Someone used thier powers to cut him off from the force which pushed him to insanity. Thus when you encounter Phade you dont know if your really dealing with him or some de-range version of his psyche. Phade is not a party member but an interactive NPC. When you fight Phade you learn as a swordsman, he is very efficiant and deadly. Its possible the true Sith have locked his memories. Phade has the ability to teach you his swordplay as a new lightsaber offensive techique. Yet the form is Restricted to lightside only. In order to learn the technique you must unlock his mind.

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Once a republic soldier like yourself whoes connection to the force is great. He is your best friend or former lover( depends on gender ). You notice as you grow stronger in the force that Coboath is a force sensative. Yet he like yourself is much older than one should be if trained in the force. Depending on your character: you have a choice to train him in the force, but both masters tell you this is UNWISE. Yet if if you have Telena in your party and your a lightside character she will convince you to train him. Even if Coboath is not trained by you, Telena will train him, thus thrusting him into the darkside. If you train him, he will be thrusted into the darkside, because his past is clouded and dilluted along with his mind. At one point you will have to fight Coboath either to turn him to the light or show you are the superior. During this confrontation, Coboath is much stronger than you.

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A sadistic sith lord who is the father of Telena. He serves as apprentice to his masters who use him to inflict fear on the inhabitants of Sonna Mas. He uses a purple saber, he has the ability to use the force like vader did luke in empire. He uses his surroundings as weapons and only uses his saber for death kills. he will aim at your head. Whats interesting and sick about Meannis is that he has trophies of every Jedi or great opposition he has fought. Head trophies. You learn that like most sith Telena wants her father dead, but only way to get to him is to fight in the Arena and gain prestige as a warrior. As a darkside character you will be invited to his estate and be asked to join the true sith. But you must kill his daughter if you choose this path.

As a lightside character he will invite you because you are a worthy opponent, then Telena will appear to fight him instead of you, you have the choice to let them fight or help her.

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Shes a bounty hunter who paired up with Garrison before he became involved, who now strictly works for the TRUE SITH. Asanna at one time was infactuated with Garrison's abilities to not rely on the force and use his intellect and skills. That infactuation turned into a crush which lead down a dark path, Asanna wasnt aware of Garrisons love interest. Once she found out she was crushedm her anger became a tool to make herself un-emotional, thus making her an ideal huntress for the TRUE SITH. One without emotion is a brutal and efficiant killer.


SHe was sent by Telena to kill and hunt the former jedi and his family down. If you have Garrison in your party you must face her. SHe carries a 1 droid disruptor and usually uses plasma grenades to leave her prey immobolized. ALso within her arsenal is a Mark V achillion pistol which usually does 18 damage per hit on a low roll, and 20+ on a high roll. She is very quick and Agile and has teh ability to use melee weapons while in cloak.

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think I have to agree with you on that...theres plenty of peole looking over as if they are taking notes or something, but there is no response or additions. I may not be a designer for BIoware or obsiden, but I think teh direction the story Ive set is valid even if KOTOR 3 has already began work, yet I think this would make an interesting game in itself. I should post the drawings of the characters and submit it to darkhorse to get something out of it..lol be cool if LUCAS decided to ue my story in the television series.

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Actually ideas like these come quickly to me.. Its just navigating the plot device in the direction you want a story to go into. I also wanted the PC your using to see a fight with the EXXILE & REVAN either combating a TRUE sith or fighting amongst themselves or coming after you. Yet the scene would cut so quickly, you would never really get to fight them or participate in the actual fight scene. I think putting your character in a scene where you really want to interact, but cant would add depth and flair to the game. ALthough you will be disappointed cause of this, it will make sense.

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Purge is one of the commanders of the TRUE SITH Fleets which have invaded Republic space. He is a very vicious tacticion. You will interact with him during space fights along with your party member/wingman who is a RODIAN. Purge is a diabolical individual, he gives orders to his robotic ships to Kamikazi republic star ships in vunerable areas. Purge likes to talk alot of crap over over the com system just to bring down your motivation. IN apoint in the game, Purge like Vader will come to shoot you down before you take out one of his FLeet Reavers.

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character idea:


N'taki Shokan:


N'taki was a poor boy growing up on the moon Tin'gha, without money 4 food, so he stole and scavenged with his brother Tik'ner, until1 day the jedi decided to recruit, like the sith. and thus, N'taki became a jedi.


He is, of coarse, a light side character,and the first npc that u meet.

if ur PC is female, he will becum ur boifriend/if u r male bestfriend.

i have no idea what he looks like, but he is human

.his clothes r a hooded light blue/gray robe, weapons r a dark gray longsaber dubbed "soulest" and a scoped rapid fire blaster rifle.

i hope y'all like my character

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Lord Nullifus:

Birth Name: Kathol Grek. He was born on a surpressive planet in the outer rim, where he discovered his natural affinity for the Force. He honed his skills until he was 13 years old, when he was found by a Jedi Master (who he later killed) and taken to Dantooine for training. He fell to the Dark Side after the woman he was in love with was killed, and he blamed the Jedi for her death. He fled to Korriban, where he found the teachings of the Sith. He spent decades in the ruins of the academy, studying the ways of the Dark Side. When he emerged, he was unrecognizeable. He had changed his name to Darth Nullifus, and returned to Dantooine to destroy the Jedi, who had built a new academy there. He had gathered followers in the outer rim - entire worlds who were tired of being surpressed. The people of these worlds became the new generation of Sith, and worshipped Nullifus as a God.

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Lord Nullifus:

Birth Name: Kathol Grek. He was born on a surpressive planet in the outer rim, where he discovered his natural affinity for the Force. He honed his skills until he was 13 years old, when he was found by a Jedi Master (who he later killed) and taken to Dantooine for training. He fell to the Dark Side after the woman he was in love with was killed, and he blamed the Jedi for her death. He fled to Korriban, where he found the teachings of the Sith. He spent decades in the ruins of the academy, studying the ways of the Dark Side. When he emerged, he was unrecognizeable. He had changed his name to Darth Nullifus, and returned to Dantooine to destroy the Jedi, who had built a new academy there. He had gathered followers in the outer rim - entire worlds who were tired of being surpressed. The people of these worlds became the new generation of Sith, and worshipped Nullifus as a God.



Hey thats not such a bad idea. Because I haven't created a real major bad gu yet.....BUt I was thinking 5 big baddies in this game... Your character Idea is very cool. I likes.. I likes...

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character idea:


N'taki Shokan:


N'taki was a poor boy growing up on the moon Tin'gha, without money 4 food, so he stole and scavenged with his brother Tik'ner, until1 day the jedi decided to recruit, like the sith. and thus, N'taki became a jedi.


He is, of coarse, a light side character,and the first npc that u meet.

if ur PC is female, he will becum ur boifriend/if u r male bestfriend.

i have no idea what he looks like, but he is human

.his clothes r a hooded light blue/gray robe, weapons r a dark gray longsaber dubbed "soulest" and a scoped rapid fire blaster rifle.

i hope y'all like my character


I like the saber idea. This could work also.. But I wouldnt make him the first person you meet.


Im also thinking of having 3 different sets of characters depending on what side of teh force you play even if you remain nuetral. Hmm

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Hey thats not such a bad idea. Because I haven't created a real major bad gu yet.....BUt I was thinking 5 big baddies in this game... Your character Idea is very cool. I likes.. I likes...


Feel free to use everything but the name. I'm using the name for my next fan-fic (after the one about Revan's fall).

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Well, I don't really know. My next fanfic is set on Revan's fall, and is a lot like the backstory of KotOR. It highlights the rise of an alien Admiral. It ties in to the main story perfectly. With that in:


Admiral Ancete


Age: >40

Species: Unknown/Lizard, Dark Green

Class: Soldier (with Lightsaber abilities)


Admiral Ancete (name changed in game) is one of the greatest strategic masterminds to scour the face of the galaxy. Originally involved in the galactic Mafia, a trap caused him to be severely damaged and had to rely on a droid body to live. He led Mafia attacks with excellent precision and skill, which gained the approval of Davik Kang. Revan crossed blades with him in a battle and saw his potential in leadership skills. Revan took Ancete with him in his search for the Star Forge. Ancete even served in Malachor, and followed Revan. He battled the Republic, but eventually lost as Malak turned on Revan and Ancete didn't approve. Ancete left Malak and went into exile since.

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Hmm these are some good ideas....


heres another as the plot thickens...


we soon discover that Darth Mennis ( Valon Ba Sacht )is the apprentice of Lord Tesque.


Lord Tesque- SITH LORD NPC


" Cast me away, for I am the wretched beast, the monster which will render the lightside mute. "


" Aligning yourself with Serebus... He Fears what he sensed in you-- the very fear which ripples through the edges of the darkside. Your FEAR has made you powerful. THAT fear will inprison you to the darkside forever. "



" What of Revan, the one who seeks refuge from destiny's desires? Emotion and greed are constant instruments of the force, however letting it run wild fuels and inflicts anger in its wake. Revan like all apprentices of the darkside will let that desire fuel them until they are eclipsed by the blackhole which resides in them. "


" Serebus... how many more times shall we play this game?"


" Every being attached to the darkside empowers me!"

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Another character( created by a fan ) to put in this story:


Kathol Grek aka Lord Virron:


Birth Name: Kathol Grek.


He was born on a surpressive planet in the outer rim, where he discovered his natural affinity for the Force. He honed his skills until he was 13 years old, when he was found by a Jedi Master (who he later killed) and taken to Dantooine for training. He fell to the Dark Side after the woman he was in love with was killed, and he blamed the Jedi for her death. He fled to Korriban, where he found the teachings of the Sith. He spent decades in the ruins which later led him to Yavin 4. When he emerged, he was unrecognizeable. He had changed his name to Darth Virron and returned to Dantooine to destroy the Jedi, who had built a new academy there. But soon relized the Jedi no longer Held a seat there. Lord Virron returns to the outer rim where he has encountered new allies who want to eliminate the presence of the LS of the force.

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More on Lord Tesque-


Lord Tesque formaly known as Galic Joon is one of 3 tripplets. These tripplets were atuned to the force as if they were linked by instincts. Which would result in the other two's down fall. Galic had the ability to sap Force energy from Force sensatives especially his brethern. He later discovered through the help of master Kriea that this was an ancient darkside technique. Due to the fact Galic dispised his brethern he instrumented plans of elminating them. His two twin brothers were adored by the council, and he hated them. His technique or in the ability in the force was of no comparison. He later studied the DS technique and confronted one of his twins in battle. Galic ensured victory by having the students watch the battle. The battle went in Galic's favor. The result for his twin brother was death, thus it pushed his other brother over the edge which was what Galic wanted. ALthough he was forced out the academy for killing his brother, and technically stripped of his force powers. Galics brother returned to end his life. A brutal confronation ignited.. Galic lay defeated. Yet as if by some darkside trick, Galic as a spirit haunted his brother. He caused his brother to go virtually crazy, thus allowing him to enter his body. Galic then inflicted pain and torture on his brother which then weakend him. Now Galic controls his brother as if he has gained a new body. ALthough tortured and disfigured. Galic now calls hims self LORD TESQUE to honor the pain and transition to the DARKSIDE>

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Here are my three Sith Lords.


Darth Nexus


A Sith Lord from the fiery world of Mustafar, Nexus's name and original homeplanet are unknown. A powerful Sith that can sublely manipulate the galaxy to his own will, Nexus is unseen for most of the game. He was once Master Vandar's master for a very short time, until he died on a mission to a small planet in the Uknown Regions; Or so everyone thought. He mostly works through his fellow Sith, instead of taking a frontline himself. He manipulates the galaxy far out in the Unknown Regions, in a ancient complex deep underground that is filled with the dark side.


Darth Temera


A black void of space, Darth Temera once served aboard the Ravager under Nihilus. Learning about Nihilus, she has taken on many of his characteristics. At an early age she was captured by Sith and taken off of her home planet (Ord Mantell) to Sleheyron and then to Nar Shaddaa, where she learned the dark side of the force and escaped. Most will only see a black mask with a shadow of her face that is strangely hard to see, because of the darkness of the force around her. Some force-sensitives can see her true face; She is actually quite beautiful, even though she has become twisted by the dark side and by Nexus. She prefers to use stealth and assassination techniques to open combat; She also leads three Sith Knights that excell at stealth and backstabbing. Each of them will try and hunt you down.


Darth Torris


A former Mandalorian and then furious Marauder from Korriban, he will always take a straight fight even against alarming odds. He will challenge anyone he believes to be worthy of a fight, even former Sith Lords in the tombs. He carries a variety of weapons and is a whirling powerhouse of destruction. When Revan was in the Sith academy during his search for the Star Maps, he was dissatisfied with his fellow students and went hunting dangerous beasts in the valley. He later decided to make his own path and has since joined Temera and Nexus, seeing some potential for worthy fights.

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Here would be my characters:

Note: This would take place 5 yrs after Kotor II


PC (young padawan trained by the new Jedi Council on Telos-if light sided that is)

T3 (It knows where Revan went)


Daughter of Jolee Bindo (grey jedi and possible love interest to male PC)

Mission (now a woman in her mid-twenties and possible love interest to male PC)

Scoundrel (always need a wise-cracking smuggler to liven things up)

Mandalorian Soldier (Mandalore sent him to help find Revan)

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