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I started playing right when jump into lightspeed came out, at that time if you became a jedi and died, you would stay dead, which I have found out has been changed. Also when they had events they only let people who played 6+ months take place in them, which was the major reason why I left. The second reason why I left was because of the time it took to become a jedi, back then it took at least a year to become one, but I heard this has been changed and it only takes a few months. Can anyone tell me whats changed from about a year ago, and if it is worth playing yet.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

But you still have 21 weeks + of grinding to become a Padawan. But yes, all you have to do now, is visit some points of interest kill a little mob then slaughter Bols on Dantooine for 21 weeks! I think someone worked out that they need to kill over 200k of Bols! lol




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