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Bot questions

rut-wa jodar

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I don't know about the full version, but in the beta I don't think I ever saw any bots repairing anything. You could order repairs, but I don't know if they ever did anything (though they would often toss ammo/health on request).


The bots couldn't use heroes, though they could use the other "unlockable" units right away, unlike human players.


As to the full version, you've got me, I don't have the game yet.

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Well that's something new.


Frankly I wouldn't have a problem if the bots are doing well enough to meet the "hero" requirements for the particular server. The only problem would be if a human wanted to be a hero but got "shut out" by a bot. I guess then it's a toss up between having the server let humans simply "overwrite" a bot's awards or just making the humans work that much harder. ;)


"Assault Mode" ? You mean there's heroes on a Space Map? Interesting... I would have thought that would be unbalanced!

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That's a shame (since it's not likely modders will remedy this situation)! Heroes were some of the more useful bonuses in GC mode. :p


Mos Eisley isn`t a space map but it does have assault mode.


BTW ! XL mode is pretty impressive, it allows MASSIVE amounts of bots to cause chaos. :mob:


Guess I'm a bit confused about game modes on the PC version then. I know about the following:


Assault (Space Maps where the goal is to destroy all the objectives of the other team and then get a certain number of kills on them)


1 Flag CTF (playable on Space Maps or ground maps.. grab the flag and place it in the capture area to score)


2 Flag CTF (just like in all other FPS games)


And I thought you could actually "win" any of the CTF modes by depleting the enemy team, but such a thing was much more difficult than winning via captures, so it rarely happened.


Conquest (the standard game mode just like SWBF1 with ground maps... capture all the control points for a certain period of time or deplete their team to win)


"Celebrity Deathmatch" (A bonus mode that's just a team deathmatch, wherein every unit you can select is a Hero)


Hunt Mode I'm not entirely clear on. You have one person or team be the "hunted" (like Ewoks or whatever) and the other team (or person) try to kill them.


So what is "Assault" like on ground maps?

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yes it's the only map playable with hero ffa! (aka. celebeity deathmatch, aka. assault)

but you can conciveably edit the files so that you can play hero ffa on other maps..... (eg. say.... yavin)

and you can play normal conquest and ctf games in mos eisley too, so it should't be conted as a hero assault map only....

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my guess is that more ppl play on the PC for swbf2 (duh!!!!).... wait scratch that!!! i got a better idea!

better idea: becsaue it's a unlockable!!! you need to pay for it!!! (eg. in credits in the conquest mode) so after spending all the hard won credits you would't want bots to steal the hero that you rightly earned!!! right/!?!?!??!?!?!?! (me say yes.. =))

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my guess is that more ppl play on the PC for swbf2 (duh!!!!).... wait scratch that!!! i got a better idea!

better idea: becsaue it's a unlockable!!! you need to pay for it!!! (eg. in credits in the conquest mode) so after spending all the hard won credits you would't want bots to steal the hero that you rightly earned!!! right/!?!?!??!?!?!?! (me say yes.. =))


I understand what you`re saying but heroes can be unlocked via timer or points, and I assume that human players get first refusal of using heroes.


BTW! don`t you think that not allowing bot heroes for opposing team in singleplayer, unbalances the game ?

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