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Any one seen this?...........


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i think it's a sham, I saw a picture of Laetitia Casta on there. Why in the world would that babe-o-rama need someone to help boost her ego. And why would someone who is not so appealing to the eye want to post their picture, I wonder if someone is just doing it as a joke because you can expect that most guys are going to rate someone who is over weight and not so appealing in the 1-3 range, why would you post your picture to only be humiliated by some retards...

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You're right... I really should get baked today... After all, school got cancelled!



*Joker, to the helicopter gunner*


"How can you shoot women, and children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!"

-Full Metal Jacket


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I want to post that one picture of Louis XIV, you know the one where he has those white pantyhose and is sticking is legs out, to see how that would get rated cool.gif



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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