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So i resubbed........


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.to see what the fuss was all about.


Well..where to start....


The NGE is well..urmm..not sure about it tbh,but i will say the tutorial is supurb,even managed to get on to the space station...


But i will happily eat my hat if this games not heading to the PS3..it bears all the hallmarks of FFXI and now they've dumbed it down so much a monkey with a limp and a glass eye could play it.


But why i hear you ask have i gone back,well because all my guild have gone back as well,the game is fun(for now at least),and as one of them said we may as well play it before the servers are pulled for good,and i agree with that sentiment.


Will the NGE save SWG..not a chance in hell tbh,its to far gone for that,no ammount of changing will change the fact there are better games out and coming out,but for now i will wait until the 15th and have a ball till xmas at least.

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Better you than me foz. :D What's funny is I actually joked with a friend of mine once by saying that galaxies was probably going to PS3. I didn't think it would possibly come true. Man was I wrong it would appear. When it leaked in the press that SOE was going to manage their own online community and not outsource it, I guess I should have known. Hopefully you will get your money's worth foz. Have fun and don't get too angry I guess. ;)

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pretty much why i want to go back foz. missin all the friends i made and such. i have read alot and its sounds like they are at least trying to improve the game. My two main decision makers will be how they start the pricing after this and how the lag stands on the servers after this.

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