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Star Wars Trilogy (LE) (Widescreen, Limited Edition) whats the difference


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Well looks like Lucas is going to rerelease the Star wars, Limited Edition)

so whats the difference in the Specail edtion that came out last year and the

Limted Edtions makes me wonder if this is the origanl verisons hmmmm just look

at the new DVD art dosen't that give a clue let me know what you guys think

about that thanks

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It's just something to attract the Christmas season shoppers.


If you already own the 2004 set, don't even bother, unless you want to spend $40 on a different box. ;)


Now if you were foolish and bought the full frame version before and now want the Widescreen, this would be as good a time as any to redeem yourself and get a new box in the bargain! But then the Widescreen (silver package) 2004 set would still be cheaper than this new one (suggested retail price is $49.98! ... for reference Amazon.com listed the suggested retail price of the 2004 set when it first came out as $69.98, but most places sold it for $45, or as cheap as $40 back then).


Anyway, it's your money. ;)


PS: Unfortunately, these are NOT the original editions. The content is the same as the 2004 set, except they got rid of the fourth, bonus disc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

well yes I agree this is being let out at this time to make lots of money over Christmas. If you do need to own this special widescreen edition even though you own it already and want to save some money, I would suggest just waiting and getting it much cheaper using a software called Nabit. I've been buying things of ebay for a couple years but now that ive been using Nabit i find that its a lot easier to make bids and win. Just a suggestion.

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Nabit? I haven't used ebay in a long time, but back in the day I used I-Snipeit. ;)


Probably similar...


I've been doing some checking online and people have created some fantastic looking dvd covers for the Star Wars Trilogy. So if people are buying this just for the packaging, it's still a waste of money unless there are no copy stores nearby to do color copying for you (though it's hard to imitate gold foil on paper I admit). Some guy who makes professional looking cardboard boxes for DVD's is selling a huge set that can hold every SW related DVD imaginable, but it's like 100 bucks! You can print off the paper inserts yourself and insert them into an amray case and they look pretty darn good though I think, or head to copyworks/kinkos and get it done for like 59 cents a sheet. ;)

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