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hello i stucked in the game one i reject something and when i needed later it doesnt appears in kotor2


for example in danteone there is a man who sells his jedi parts(lens and a crystal) i didnt have that credits at the moment i went and sold something when i returned in conversation with that man there is no buying option...


the other example: i forgot the name of the planet but there is a place where the girl dances and we sleep the lions with lima juices and sneek into the door i need lima juices but when i go to the bartender he says buy a drink or getout but there is no buying option in conversation menu

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The planet who's name you forgot is Nar Shadda. Did you hear the dialogue between the two aliens in the apartment area? If you did, then I don't know what the problem could be. Chances are it's a bug, but you can't blame everything that goes wrong in TSL a bug or say it's due to the game being unfinished. It could be anything.

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go back to the Apartment's area and stealth into the room with the Aliens as the Doc suggested. Then if that doesn't work, go to the Cantina and sneak up on the two there (though I don't remember if what they said has any relevance :).


If you can't do it, don't worry. It's not like you get anything super awesome out of his place that you won't get in the next hour or so *COUGH COUGH*

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ok thanks i'll try that but what about the man whom i saved

Enclave Sublevel his name is Jorran he offered me the lens but i couldn't find the credits at that moment so i went and sold some items then when i went him again in the conversation menu, there is nothing about buying the lens. which i desperately need

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Dantoone Salvager Camp Conversation with Jorran


J:Hello I still have those jedi artifacts i found for you if you dont want them i can selle them to daraala


1-what were you doing in the sublevel?

2-can you tell me about the laigre(the creatures)

3-i'll be going now


1-1- why were you if it is so dangerous

1-2- did you find anything

1-3 can you tell me about the laigre


at 1-2 he says he finds those artifacts


and the conversation options are:


why were you if it is so dangerous

can you tell me about the laigre

i'll be going now


i tried every conversation more than an hour


and if there is a way to kill him how is that gona be?

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If you can't do it, don't worry. It's not like you get anything super awesome out of his place that you won't get in the next hour or so *COUGH COUGH*



funny but i still dont have a lightsaber. so i need that lens. you are right about the apartmant area. i didnt see such thing. i looked that from the walkthrough


but about the jarrad thing, i cant be wrong i did everything correct. he offered me, i didnt have enough credit so i went a place near my ship and i sold items and when i went back... you know the rest of it

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Ooh, don't know what to say then. I'd say call it a bug and get over it, but as the Doc said, can't blame everything on bugs.


Oh, but I do have a run through as a Sith Lord where on Nar Shaddaa, after the Twin Suns cutscene when you walk in the Cantina for the first time, they were spawned to the sides of the doors afterwards, and I can trigger the cutscene over and over by talking to them. (Kind of annoying, though, because it automatically makes you ENTER the Cantina.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi it's me again:) i have passed that levels but now i have another problem...


after that i didn't insisted on dantoone and i've visited the other planets and finished them all. at the last all jedi masters have agreed to arrange a meeting at dantoone and that building should be rebuilded when i've return... however when i returned i had to finish dantone jobs. thats ok. i've entered the cave and saved the jedi master vrook...

i killed all the merchaneries outside the cave and returned to the city.

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on my way to city i saw some mines and exploded them:) on the city the administrator and vrook said we have to defend the city so i've turned on the turrets,healed the soldiers and the medical robot, activeted the warrior robots, rebuilt 10 mines but still no action.. when i return the administrator he says can i help you jedi and no important speech. this dantone is a terrible headache to me


can anyone guide me? i dont know what to do

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