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Kotor 3 : Legend of The Sith'ari


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darth fmc, please refrain from spamming and flaming. This is your warning.


Thank you rob, I agree.

Why does everyone want to change Kotor into something it's not?

How can you prove you are a 733t d00d when the computer does all the fighting??
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Make sure you read it all to get the whole idea.


The Title


Knights Of The Old Republic : Legend of the Sith'ari


You are Revan, At the start of the game you have to choose if you are Light Side OR Dark Side.


{Edited for space saving}


That's all the Idea's i have for now. ADD yours to mine. & i will Email ALL the Info to LUCAS ARTS. & give them our Ideas.


A good spinoff sure, but it just seems like too much change. Just because its a next-gen. game doesn't mean it should change so drastically. Small changes are fine, but that much is TOO much at once.

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The best way to do K2 IMO would have been to make Revan the PC and assume LS ending on K1. Then skip foward five years to discover Revan has forsaken the Force and become a hermit or is living quietly with Bastila/Carth.


I think for K3 they should fix LS endings for the last two games, otherwise we'll just get more of the same. The Republic will be tottering, the Jedi will be all but extinct and the Sith will be about to resurge.


Well, K2 didn't assume that K1 had a LS ending at all. And sure you COULD go with that idea for K3, but I still think they should leave it open just because. They just leave out any of the crucial things that would say otherwise. They'd also be filling in the aftermath of Malachor since that is pretty much a big part fo K2. It either exploded or it didn't so they'd either have to take it out of the equation completely or say that its no longer there but don't know exactly what happened(either Exile blew it to pieces or it just imploded from a surge in the dark side aura, I don't know you pick.) And then there's the question of where the Ebon Hawk is. There's just so many holes in the story from K2. You see the damaged ship fall into the abyss of the planet, and if you're LS it flies up fully repaired and picks you up. But DS you just assume the Dark throne. So the question is, should they just scrap it and give the PC a new ship? Maybe the crew other than Exile arrives on Telos in the Ebon Hawk and hands it over to Carth, I guess that's one way but it's the only possible one I can come up with.

In a way, assuming LS endings would be the easiest way without this sort of complication since the developers only got it half done. But I want to see what Obsidian can really do....if they get signed to make K3 if its made any time soon.

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Actually, I thought TSL was pretty clever in rendering the alignment choices of the first two games irrelevant to the third:


a) The Republic is weak. Unless the game takes place in the distant future (which it won't), the Republic will not have recovered from the Jedi Purge. This places the onus on Revan, the Exile, Canderous/Mandalore, and whoever else figures into the KotOR3 plot to stop the True Sith.

b) Revan left for the Unknown Regions beyond Republic space. He did it by choice because he knew that the Republic, even a Republic conquered by his Sith (if he was DS) could not have defended itself from the threat he had foreseen.

c) The Exile followed Revan because, as Kreia stated, that is where her path takes her. Whatever Revan is up against, LS or DS, there is something about the Exile, LS or DS, that makes her essential to the battle that is to come.

d) Despite its weakness, the Republic did not collapse due to the Exile's actions, whether LS or DS. She eliminated the Sith that would threaten the existence of the Jedi Order, allowing it to be rebuilt in her absence in the Unknown Regions. She stabilized Onderon, regardless of the path she took, and she saved Telos from its ultimate demise, even if unwillingly.

e) By placing the threat in the Unknown Regions, the effect of the weakness of the Republic on ultimate victory against the True Sith is lessened. The likelihood of an all-out war that threatens Coruscant and the Core Worlds is small, and even if such occurs, the solution will be defeating the True Sith *at their source*, rather than trying to match up with them ship-for-ship and defeat them in a prolonged war. Revan must have believed this to have left known space the way he did before TSL.


The alignment issues become a problem once one tries to place Revan and the Exile in the main storyline. They would act very differently depending on their alignment, and even their gender and classes. Which is why I suspect that while both will be mentioned as key figures throughout the game, if the main character ever meets them it will be in a situation in which their characteristics can be left ambiguous. Or perhaps both were corrupted by the DS after what they discovered, or Revan fell again and is wearing his or her helmet and slayed the Exile, or some other contrivance that renders their KotOR1 and 2 selves irrelevant for the main plot of KotOR3.


As for the Sith'ari, I played around with a theory that Revan encountered the legend on one of the old Sith planets he traveled to and believed *himself* to be the Sith'ari. He would build a galactic Sith Empire, making the Sith "stronger than ever" and then crush the True Sith before giving up his mantle as Dark Lord thereby, by his thinking, destroying the Sith religion/philosophy. Though I suspected that he had been corrupted by the DS and this corruption is what drove him into thinking this was the right way to go about it.


Bringing that theory into KotOR3, I theorized that Revan, LS or DS, realized he was not the Sith'ari and left for the Unknown Regions and the territory of the True Sith to try to locate the real Sith'ari to use as a weapon to destroy the True Sith. Your main character would be the one Revan believed was the real Sith'ari. You would then be manipulated to destroy the True Sith, with the help of old alignment-irrelevant party members like Canderous/Mandalore, T3, and HK, as well as a number of new members. Ultimately of course your character, despite repeatedly being told he or she is, is not the real Sith'ari, and this is the endgame twist (similar to the Adventure game The Longest Journey). The True Sith threat might be ended, or even wiped out, but some Dark Lord will emerge (possibly IMO, Revan remaining or being recorrupted by the DS) to carry on the Sith heritage until Anakin tosses Sidious into the reactor shaft.

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Holy crap, that is an awesome idea.


I don't really like the concept of having the Exile murdered (why would the Force bring her all the way out to the Unknown Regions just to have her killed?), but it would probably be better if she was working with Revan against the True Sith, but from a different angle.


Another problem is the fact that the PC needs some sort of mentor or teacher, such as Bastilla or Kreia were. Would this be Revan in your idea, or Atris, or even Jolee Bindo (they are the only Force-users that I think would be qualified to teach you anything. Maybe Visas though, except that she had no depth to her character.)?


I really hope that the game's writers use some variation of your idea, Robb Stark. This has given me confidence that all the ends can actually be pulled together to form a single plot that isn't extremely complex.

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