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Lucasarts strikes back. . .


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Guest DarthMaulUK

I hope Julios is reading this one


GameSpy: Another overwhelming theme in readers' responses was the feeling that veteran players' accomplishments are being nullified in order to potentially garner new users. What is your response to this?

JT: Our goal is to make Star Wars Galaxies as fun, exciting, and accessible to all current, new, and prospective players as possible. When developing these new enhancements, our focus was on making the game more fun for everyone, including our veteran/current players.


I found that to be an insult because the game has added nothing new in terms of content in over 18 months! (Excluding expansions), there has really been no new content at all. Not even those daft dungeons.


He goes on to say about 'Elder Buffs coming soon'. Why is everything coming soon? Heres an idea, lets release a game that actually works and I am 100% you will find the community won't react in the same manner.


Gamespy won't really attack LA too much because they get alot of exclusives from them and of course, need to look like they are concerned. Yet again, this misses the point. - which I will repeat


If you buy something two years ago and then wake up one morning to see its not what you purchased, you wont be happy. The fact Lucasarts are not offering refunds to long term subscriptions is outrageous.




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The plain and simple truth about this shambles is this...SOE and LUCASARTS have to take the blame.


Its easy to say blame it all on SOE and hell yes ive done it enough in the past,but TORRES is a LA man and ergo will have the final say on any changes that take place.


Lucasarts hands are as dirty as SOE over this..they did try decive players over the expansion..if they hadnt why not say something sooner?


They wanted one final peice of silver from the player base before the final phase of this tragedy is played out.


NGE is unplayable in its current and frankly unfinshed state,lag has always been an issue with SWG and i feared when the game changed it would kill any enjoyment from it,and ive been proved right sadly.


An example of a rather annoying bug that *keeps* happening to me..i walk through a door and i fall through the world and get stuck,now call me old fashioned but this rather spiols the enjoyment of the game tbh.

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