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Player model viewer?


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Hey all,

Before I ask my question, you should know: I don't mod. I know very little when it comes to modding.

I tried to dabble once, but it was way over my head. Anyway :p


Is there a player model viewer similar to ModView for Jedi Outacst/Academy, that I can use to view the BF1 models?


All I really want to do (at the moment) is get a nice high-res/zoom shot of the Dark Trooper for a print project I'm working on. I've googled it and the only detailed shots I can find are of the action figure/miniature. Then I figured a ModView shot would be good, except no-one seems to have made a DarkTrooper model for JO/JA :(


So yeah. Any ideas? I found the SDK on FileFront, but it's 400mb+. I don't mind downloading that if it'll help, but it seems a bit hefty if there's another application I can get that's a little... smaller?


Cheers in advance, :)


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  • 1 year later...

I added the Star Wars BattleFront .msh loader module to the 3D Object Converter and I uploaded the latest developer package (non beta) to my web page.


You can download it using the following link:



I converted any original .msh files into .Wavefront's .obj format.



Original .msh files:


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