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...the hell do i add hands to hold weapons?!?!its annoying when im in first person with any earth weapon(i have a lot lately-infact replacing all of them!)like the half life 2 sumbmachinegun(not ported) and i just see the gun floating there and im supposidly holding the weapon!anyone know how to add hands to mod weapons without having to completely remake them?

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*steps to success*

1. download milkshape (GOOGLE IT!)

2. Run the program

3. File > import > yourweapon.md3

4. file > Import > models/players/kyle/model.glm

5. delete the kyle model completely except for the part called r_hand

6. Line it up with the gun

7. export > yourweapon.md3

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sith dagger: -.-


shadyd:i tried the instructions and they didnt work.i downloaded milkshape,opened it and typed blaster mp7 and blastermp7.md3 and it wont open.it was the exact same name as the file i have in my base and it wont load.



edit:..........nvm shadyd.stupid commands...



edit again:nvm.again.i typed blaster.md3 and that wouldnt work.

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that list doesnt work and i said it didnt work not that i didnt think i did the instructions right!i typed blaster.md3 and blastermp7.md3 and it wont load!!!!i downloaded milkshape and opened it but i cant load the blaster model!neither the normal blaster or mod blasters or any other type of weapon will load in milkshape and the models wont load either!

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cant think of what bothers me more.. how you explain things in broken english or how mad u get at me for trying to help :/.. (ill smack myself later for still helping u but ok..)

i dont understand where u TYPE .. ur not supposed to lol.. and also what does it say when u try to load? make a screen?

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thanks for explaning,i just thought since it was jedi knight 3d0 and it was a type of mod for jedi academy....shadyd just didnt tell me to open quake III in the instructions.


EDIT:when i try to open blaster.md3 with quake III but it showed the original E-11 blaster,not the half-life SMG mod i have.how do i open my earth mod weapon files???

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how was i supposed to know to extrat them from pk3s(unless you mean original models in assets01) and save them as md3s?i dont know how to program the simplest mod with fifteen tutorials sitting in front of me.ill go look in the earth weapon mod files with winrar


edit:i opened the blaster mp7 md3 file,but im not sure if the hand will appear on dropped weapons to.and i opened the republic commando battledroid skin thingy and it said .glm or somthing.

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