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SWG 360?


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Whether the game is a dead horse remains to be seen. In any case, if SWG is coming to next-gen it's just smart business with 3,000,000+ potential players on XBOX Live(and growing phenomenally) and supposedly with the 360 Microsoft wants to hook up both PCand console players into one online community. "Erase the borders" , if you will.


I think that it's actually a very smart move. After all, console gamers do make up the bulk of the gamer market and the next gens(XBOX 360 and PS3, respectively) are more than capable of handling SWG in terms of graphics, though it remains to be seen if Sony can build a viable online community like Microsoft has.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

As I have said before. This game wont come to the console. Not because they dont want to, because they cant. Why? The game has too many show stopping bugs, bad textures, bugs bugs and more bugs!


Both Microsoft and Sony ( even Nintendo) have extremely strict TCR/TRCs that all publishers MUST follow before a game is published. Even just 1 failure will result in the code being sent back and reworked until its fixed.


However, the same isnt said for the PC, where any old broken rubbish can be released. Look at Galaxies. I noticed one thing today that the version number we are on isnt even version 1!!!!



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Hmm, it is an interesting concept, to say the least. I'd have to say that while it certainly appears to be worth exploring, the truth of the matter is that the loose restraints of the PC platform is a feature too heavily relied on; too many bugs, like DMUK said.


Though I suppose if they got it tight enough Microsoft would be willing to give it a whirl, if they get promising sales projections. They wouldn't though. Not without serious upgrades (or whatever would catch a potential buyer's eye), which won't happen. So yeah, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

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Many people who play on the consoles have a very low tolerance for broken games they pay there money and expect it to be perfect i beleive there was a release by sony who said that 70% of the players or so where only part time players (i.e. Pick it up for an hour put it down) and for this reason alone galaxies would fail on a console.


There has been mention of the Publish Bugs and again DMUK hit the nail, if this was sent to a microsoft company for porting they'd be told where they could stick there galaxie far far away..

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Console gamers will tear this game apart in it's current form (bugs gallore.) They will need to get this game as bug-free as they can before they attempt a console release, console gamers aren't as forgiving as PC users. And SWG has had a huge history of being very bug-friendly.

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