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Tedium Galactica

The Punisher

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Is it just me, or is it far harder to grind combat xp now? I don't remember the old skill boxes taking millions of xp each. Plus, when you did gain a box, you got nice skills that made you a better combatant. Now what do you get? I've figured it will take another 5 hours of gurk grinding to get to CL 59 (from 58), but then what? I get nothing. But if I work hard, and gain another 5 CL's (25 hours? more?), I'll be rewarded with: a bear trap and +10 to droid tracking. Furthermore, classic hunting is now completely pointless, as you don't get any xp for it. :o


The worst part? SWG has enough redeeming qualities to keep me addicted. Space is the shiznite, and I actually do like the new combat system. But what happened to the skills/professions?!?! ::dispair::



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