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my game went all screwy

Master omega

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hey guys just posting this because ive got a slight prob with my kotor 2 its been going all screwy just seeing if this has happened to any you lot. Right the thing is i play the game prtty much lightside all the time and recently my game been makeing my Npc look completely Darkside. when i add the from my party selection screen. Or gain any light side pionts from doing good dead. the only way i can fix it is when i quick save then quick load they look lightside agin the way they should its kinda annoying any ideas people.


P.S. I have even reinstalled the game no diffrence :(

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So... every time you load that save, it does that? And if you start a new game, it's fine? I think your savegame is mildly corrupted, if that's the case. Tip: Delete that save game forever if I am getting the gist of what you're saying correct. Files get a higher chance of corruption with each use, to the point where you cannot play. If I get what you are saying, that is.

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once i get to that piont and it starts doing that on one off my files it dose it to them all. Not just the one it stared on the only way off fixing it is to delete the save file that is that far on. Or keep quick saveing then quick loading the game becase when i load it they are light-side but when i change party or gain LS pionts they go dark. agh!!!

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