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Homicide Scenario Part II


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See Part I and it's discussion here:




On August 29, 1999, at about 6:00pm, information is received from another source that "Pretty Boy" has a lot of information about the activity of "Gus the Slob". You have contacted the police in Biloxi, Key West, and New Orleans. Key West and New Orleans do not have any ideas who or why the gamblers were killed. Biloxi has not replied to your request for information. You were able to obtain the following information from them. THe victim in New Orleans was Jimmy "The Wheel" Simpson, and the victim in Key West was Harry "The Hand" walker.


1. Both Simpson and Walker have been friends of Smith for over 40 years. Both Simpson and Walker have been major players in an organization that has been called the "Gulf Coast Mafia".


2. The Killing in Key West took place on August 1, 1999 between 1:00am to 7:00am.


3. The killing in New Orleans took place on Fuly 4, 1999 between 12 midnight to 9:00am.


4. Both were killed with a 22 cal. firearm.


5. Neither of the victims were robbed of any money or valuables.


6. Both of the victims were found in a parking lot.


7. Prior to the killings, an unknown person from out of town was sent by "Gus The Slob" to visit both of the victims. It is not known what was said in the meeting or if any other persons were in attendance. Sources believe that the meeting took place the week of May 16, 1999 in Mobile, Alabama.


8. Willie "The Fish" White was the enforcer for "The Wheel". The Fish was found dead in his apartment on July 6, 1999. "The Fish" was last seen on the evening of July 3, 1999 at about 6:00pm. He was nude in bed and it appeared that he had died of a heart attack.


9. Gus had two children by his prior marriage, one a boy, and one a girl. At this time, you do not know their names or where they live.


10. That his former wife had divorced him because of his many girlfriends. That information is that she is still mad at him.


11. In the insurance policy is worth 5 million dollars and his two children and former wife and are listed as beneficiaries.


12. Gus also had a child with an unknown woman. The child should be around 25 years old. It is unknown if the child is a male of remale. There is supposed to be a life insurance policy with both the mother and chidl listed as beneficiaries. Rumor has it that Gus and the child's mother had never gotten along, and that he would not pay child support.


13. You are informed that the only person who has knowledge of Gus' personal life is his brother Sam, who is in the construction business in Oklahoma City.


On August 30, 1999, addition information is received that "Gus the Slob" did testify earlier int he month at a Federal Grand Jury hearing about stolen vehicles, but he did not have any information about that type of criminal activity. He was not interviewed about gambling or prostituion. Both the U.S. Attorney and the F.B.I. tell you that the reason Gus appeared before the Grand Jury was from information supplied by an informant. They found out that the informant was not truthful and is now missing. The informant had been drinking at the Snake Pit for months.


It is also believed that the person who visited both of the gambers was known as "Pretty Boy".


An external check of the building does not reveal any additional information. The back loading dock of the club is a covered dock that is surrounded on 3 sidesby the club. The entrance is by a chain link fence gate.


A landslide of information is now coming in about the murder. The information is as follows:


1. THe car that was registered to Larry Jones was in the parking lot at 2:40am on the morning of the murder.


2. Gus' Town Car was also parked in the lot.


3. Larry Jones' car is still parked in the parking lot.


4. Larry Jones does not answer his telephone, nor does he answer the door to his apartment.


5. Larry Jones is known as a ladies man and prided himself with his conquests of the ladies.


6. Larry has told some friends that he was on the trail of a new conquest. HIs new conquest was a tall blonde from out of town. Gus had given Larry the night off to be with his new friend, according to Larry.


7. The 911 tape of the call has been reviewed and the unknown female has a raspy, distinctive voice.


8. Gus had mentioned that he had a feeling that some unknown person was watching him.


9. Gus had been talking about having a closed circuit TV (CCTV) installed in the club and parking lot.


10. THe evening manager of the record store, which is located across the street from the club, called and said that he had reported a suspicious person on top of the building next door. This was sometime during the week of August 23, 1999. He does not remember the exact time, but it was while he was closing the store. The store usually closes at 11:00pm. He drove off as the police arrived.


11. Telephone records show that Gus had called a Johnny "Slim" Wright, who is a known gambler in Memphis many times during the week of May 2, 1999. Additional long distance calls had been made to Jimmy Simpson, Harry Walker, and J.J. Johnson in Biloxi.


12. The cell phone showed that the residence of Larry Jones had been called six times that day and evening prior to Gus' death.


13. Larry Jones' car is searched and a cigarette butt is found in the ashtray. Larry does not smoke.


14. Gus' black notebook is found under the front seat of Larry's car.


15. The notebook contained names, addresses, and telephone numbers of people through out the United States. It also appears that some type of code was used for some of the entries.


16. A key is found inside a pocket in the notebook. The key appeared to be a duplicate of one of the unknown keys found on Gus' key ring. This is the key that appeared to be similar to a key for a lock or file cabinet. There was a tag attached to the key that had an address of 1727 South Scott Street, Suite 123.


17. THe medical exmainer has not completed his report.


18. The call that came into the dispatcher's office was a low priority call and was dispatched to the patrol officers while they were still on another call.


19.It has been almost impossible to penetrate the workings of the GUld Coast Mafia due to the fact that it is a loose knit group of older men who have known eachother for 40 plus years. THe GUlf Coast Mafia has not brought attention to itself in the past 10 plus years, and as a result, law enforcement has concentrated on other groups. Very little intelligence information can be located.


The decomposed body had been idintified as Brian Parson. The medical examiner states that he was shot in the head with a .9mm. Brian Parson also does not have a criminal record.



You have until Thursday to give your input. Part III will be posted on Thursday night.

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1. Get ballistic reports from both Key West and New Orleans in to determine if the .22 bullets match, and then compare with the slug inbedded withing Gus's neck, and get the files on both Simpson and Walker to determine what parking lots they were both found in, and if those parking lots have CCT's


2. Find out if the Gulf Coast Mafia has any dealings in the Mobile area, and If so try and gather information on the clubs some members hang out in there.


3. Get the Autopsy report on the Fish,including ETOD(estimated time of death) it is possible he was poisoned, since he possbily died the day before the Wheel came up missing.....


4. Make a visit to his ex-wife and get the names of the 2 children, and then do a residence check on them, easiest by using the utility companies in the area they were last seen in.


5. Interperet the insurance clause to determine if the wife or the children benifitted the most from the policy. It is very possible that they had a joint-split policy to where they had all = amounts... if not then a motive might be determined from jealosy of the lesser benefactor(s)


6. Check the same insurance company if Gus has another policy out if not check all companies in his area of residence for other policies on his unknown family....


7. Contact O.C. police to see if his brother has any records in grand theft auto or anything else related to gusses activities... if need be send someone to OC to interview him of gus personal life- maybe to get the name of the unknown mother and kid. Recheck the odometer of the stolen vehicles or town cars to see if a trip to Oklahoma City or Memphis could have been possible.


8. Try and get information and criminal records on the informant... it could be that he was actually a "double agent" gathering resources for another criminal instead and watering his info to the police.


9. Contact Larry Jones neighbors and find out last time anyone has seen him.. determine if the info gathered is sufficient enough to order a warrant to search his premises. Find out if his residence is an apartment or house and if his house is paid for. A Landlord can have a clause in the lease to let him/her enter at will, making a warrant uneeded if they enter first. DNA on the cigarette butt in his vehicle to see if it was a male or female smoking in the car. If female it might very well be possible that the blonde might actually be gus daughter(or the unknown sibling) depending on the info gathered from the mother. Try and determine the age of the woman through the 911 tapes and compare it with the age of his daughter, wife, and his girlfriends.


10. Check the Snake Pit to see if there is indeed a CCT installed and review the tapes from the past 2 weeks if possible.


11. Determine what building the record store guy saw the suspicious person on to of and interview all employess working that week.


12. Find JJ Johnson and continue to gather info from Biloxi...


13. Determine through autopsy if Gus smoked, he could have borrowed Larrys car that day and forgot his book.


14. Find a Cryptologist in the nearest area to assist in decoding the notebook. Since the nature of crimnal activity involved, a call to Langley might be in order.


15. Continue searching for safes,file cabinets, or locks that might match the 2 identical keys.


16. Check with dispatchers of the full list of calls they recieved during 2 am and 4 am the night of the murder.


17. Find out more information on Brian Parson to see if he was indeed involved in gambling or related to anyone involved to date... even some bad guys still dont have records ^^ he might actually be the informant.


18. Blacklight the chain link fence area to see if blood/urine come up. other than that the back of the club shouldnt have anything to do with the scenario unless it is facing the record store.


As of right now, the evidence is not hard enough to determine a motive on anyone. For all we know, Gus either tried to screw his way out of alimony payments, ran his mouth to the wrong ppl, or tried to pursue actions above his ability. The only hard motive we have is the insurance policies, and depending whether or not his ex wife had a criminal record, we cannot justify she had it in for him over the 5 million dollars. More information is needed on his kids and the unknown poeple involved, and we are yet to determine if Larry = Pretty Boy . As of right now i would have to say Larry and/or Pretty boy are the main suspects. It is very possible that Larry not only took the night off to be with this girl, but also to establish an alibi and had someone else do his dirty work. This female could also be the one that made the 911 call, and that they both had something to do with the murder of Gus.


and it is still not clear on the location of the Snake Pit... if it is on the Gulfport side of Biloxi or on the Bay St Louis side of Biloxi...


sorry working 2 jobs my time is limited this is all i can gather with the current info.......

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