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Darth Maul


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ive started doing a Darth Maul set it will include a playable head, custom robes, and hopefully a lightsaber from oldFlashes movie saber set. now what im asking is for headgear that when you put it on it gives you his hornsdarth_maul.jpg[/img] something like that okay hopefully theres someone out there that can help me.

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That's a verry good idea and easy to make since are only few horns and because headgears does not have animations (like lightsabers) make's to be easy to compile (no replace request and you can use how many meshes and textures you want).

So, all you have to do is to start gmax or 3dmax and you yill get help when you get problems. Easy way is to get those from other modders but belive-me it's better when you make your own models. :)

You haven't say for what KOTOR you want that model but I belive to be for K1.

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I have forgot about what forum is this...

I could make horns for you but I will need texture and the name for head model. Texture could be in jpeg format. If you want to make model by yourself I could guide you but you should ask to moving this thread to "Holowan Laboratories" where you will get more help from other modders.


To make horns is verry easy. Just start 3dmax or gmax, make one cylinder, apply on this non-uniformly scale (on y axix) (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/01.html), taper and bend (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/02.html). One cylinder with 8 sides and 3 Height segments should be good enought for start. When you are happy about horn shape convert to editable mesh (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/03.html). A little optimize: On modify panel select polygon, select side faces, go to edit menu and select invert to get selection of initial cylinder caps and delete those (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/04.html and http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/05.html).Go to vertex modif, select top model and weld verticles (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/06.html). Ok, you have a horn. Save model file. I will come back later with more details.

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I have forgot about what forum is this...

I could make horns for you but I will need texture and the name for head model. Texture could be in jpeg format. If you want to make model by yourself I could guide you but you should ask to moving this thread to "Holowan Laboratories" where you will get more help from other modders.


To make horns is verry easy. Just start 3dmax or gmax, make one cylinder, apply on this non-uniformly scale (on y axix) (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/01.html), taper and bend (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/02.html). One cylinder with 8 sides and 3 Height segments should be good enought for start. When you are happy about horn shape convert to editable mesh (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/03.html). A little optimize: On modify panel select polygon, select side faces, go to edit menu and select invert to get selection of initial cylinder caps and delete those (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/04.html and http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/05.html).Go to vertex modif, select top model and weld verticles (http://q-net.netfirms.com/x/06.html). Ok, you have a horn. Save model file. I will come back later with more details.

the head i used as the base is the black bald male. right now it just takes over that head how would i make it a completely new head. its like PMBH03 or something like that would i just change it to example PMBH05 or something to make it a new head

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Copy pmhb03.tga in override dir. and start a new game with that character. Cheat the game to give you g_i_mask01. Equipp that. Play game and save right after Carth contact you on comlink. Use Trask to get some close screenshots of pc head with mask equipped. Game over! Time to work

Ok. We have one horn. Load-it in Gmax.

Start KT and extract ascii model of pmhb03.mdl http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/01.html

In location wher you extract head model overwrite default pmhb03.tga with yours custom texture and in Gmax import ascii model http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/02.html

You should have something like this http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/03.html

Let's make some cleaning job. Select all objects except for horn (which in my pictures is called cylinder01), eyes and head(http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/04.html). Delete all selected.

Multiply horn and move/uniform resize/rotate until you get the right positions for horns.




Select head and eyes and hide selected.

Select one horn on modify panel and attach all horns to this one.

Map with a new texture (im my job was horns1.tga) in same way as lightsabers (go check tutorials for that).

After mapping unhide all objects.

Now you need ascii version of mask_01 model. Use KT to get this one.


Import mask's ascii model. http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/9.html

(which is good to be grouped for easy manipulation)

Move head and horns (which I hope to be grouped) until you get same position of mask as it was in game. For this is good to have a look in game screenshots.



When you got good position ungroup head/eyes/horns.

Select that green frame (part of mask_01 model) and break link.

I don't know how to say what is next step but look here http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/13.html and here http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/14.html and you will understand.

Select all objects and reset xform.

Select aurora base, rename-it and export geom only. http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/15.html

Open mdlops and do all steps like here: http://q-net.netfirms.com/y/16.html

Rename I_horn-k1-bin.* to i_mask_001.* and copy to override directory. Also copy horns1.tga (horns texture) in override.

Time to play. Close all active aplications and start play from last save.

You should look like this:


Now a good thing will be some programing.

I don't know if is possible but here are some suggestions:

Edit baseitem.2da and create (by copying) one line identical to that where masks are set. Set for that new modelclass (you will need to rename horns model: mdl and mdx) and change equippslot from 0 to 17 (I hope to work that). GFF Edit .uti file to set horns to new model and get some script to get that new item and equipp on game start.

I hope to be possible


Don't forget to save gmax work from time to time.

Also, here q-net.netfirms.com/y/temp.zip is the mask/horn model and texture

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