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The dumbest questions in the world I ever wanted to ask

Guest Falconguy

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Guest Falconguy

Please provide answers for these:


1)What's your favorite type of cheese?

2)Do you put your pants or your socks on first?

3)From what side of the bed do you get up?

4)Would you like to kill Bill Gates if no one would punish you for it?

5)Have you ACTUALLY watched Survivor?

6)Did you like it? (please say no)

7)Would you want to live forever?

8)Do you open a door with your left or right hand?

9)IF you have a garage, do you get home through the door or the garage?

10)Which is worse, Geography or Civics?

11)Do you go to the bathroom at night very often?



And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale, horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him

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1)What's your favorite type of cheese?

The good kind

2)Do you put your pants or your socks on first?]

I never take my sock off unless I have to

3)From what side of the bed do you get up?

the left side becaus ethe right side is a wall

4)Would you like to kill Bill Gates if no one would punish you for it?


5)Have you ACTUALLY watched Survivor?


6)Did you like it? (please say no)


7)Would you want to live forever?

No, that would kinda suck

8)Do you open a door with your left or right hand?

Either or

9)IF you have a garage, do you get home through the door or the garage?


10)Which is worse, Geography or Civics?


11)Do you go to the bathroom at night very often?




Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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Guest SadShadow


2) sux







9) sux

10) sux




"Im becoming less human..."



The Lone Shadow Wing

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Guest guildenstern

1)What's your favorite type of cheese?


2)Do you put your pants or your socks on first?

--Pants of course

3)From what side of the bed do you get up?

--The right...or else I'd hit the wall.

4)Would you like to kill Bill Gates if no one would punish you for it?

--Um, I might not mind if someone else did it...

5)Have you ACTUALLY watched Survivor?


6)Did you like it? (please say no)


7)Would you want to live forever?

--I will live forever.

8)Do you open a door with your left or right hand?

--What side is the nob on?

9)IF you have a garage, do you get home through the door or the garage?

--the door, silly.

10)Which is worse, Geography or Civics?

--I don't take either!

11)Do you go to the bathroom at night very often?

--um, no, not really...but I think the real question is...do you?

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Guest guildenstern

Yes. <font color=white>=</font><font color=red>þ</font> Yes I am. <font size=-2>




[This message has been edited by guildenstern (edited January 02, 2001).]

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1) Cheddar

2) Pants

3) Left

4) No

5) Yes, I watched almost all of it... I missed a few of the earlier ones.

6) Yes, RUDY IS MY HERO!!!!!!!!!

7) If I could live forever and look like I'm 25 then yes... If I kept aging, no.

8) Right

9) Door

10) Geography

11) Once every 2 or 3 nights



*Joker, to the helicopter gunner*


"How can you shoot women, and children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!"

-Full Metal Jacket


This post has been brought to you by nitro.gifNitro nitro.gif


[This message has been edited by Nitro (edited January 02, 2001).]

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1)Asiago or Provolone, Habenero Jack is good too


3)This side I sleep on when I am not on...un nevermind




7)see nitros post

8)either or, I'm ambidextrous(sp?)

9)door, I dont get ot park in the garage so I have no opener, unless I drive the NEW CAMARO SS my family owns


11)what do you mean, like wake up in the middle of the night to go? no


<font size=1>





[This message has been edited by Zargon (edited January 02, 2001).]

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Guest Vark111

1)What's your favorite type of cheese?

- Pepper Jack

2)Do you put your pants or your socks on first?

- About 50/50. Depends on how asleep I am at the time.

3)From what side of the bed do you get up?

- Right

4)Would you like to kill Bill Gates if no one would punish you for it?

- Absolutely. But only after he gave me his ATM machine PIN code.

5)Have you ACTUALLY watched Survivor?

- Yes. In the gym, becuase I wasn't allowed to change channels.

6)Did you like it? (please say no)

- Not even close

7)Would you want to live forever?

- Hell no. My life is ****ty enough as it is. The only consolation I have is that one day it will be over.

8)Do you open a door with your left or right hand?

- Neither. I kick doors open with my feet.

9)IF you have a garage, do you get home through the door or the garage?

- Garage.

10)Which is worse, Geography or Civics?

- Civics.

11)Do you go to the bathroom at night very often?

- Yes, but then I wake up and wonder what the hell I'm doing in the bathroom.






It takes all kinds... The question is, what is 'it'?

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1)What's your favorite type of cheese?


2)Do you put your pants or your socks on first?

pants, always

3)From what side of the bed do you get up?

the left, i could stand up on the right, but i wouldn't get very far...

4)Would you like to kill Bill Gates if no one would punish you for it?

probably not...

5)Have you ACTUALLY watched Survivor?

a few times, my dad liked it...

6)Did you like it? (please say no)

not particularly...

7)Would you want to live forever?

no way

8)Do you open a door with your left or right hand?

right, unless i'm holding something in it

9)IF you have a garage, do you get home through the door or the garage?

door of course

10)Which is worse, Geography or Civics?


11)Do you go to the bathroom at night very often?




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Guest Kyp Durron

1)Swiss, for the few occassions I have it.

2)Socks, so I don't have to roll up my pants.

3)Left, my wife hates it when I roll over her to get to the right side.

4)Not really, there are worse people before him on my priority list.



7)No, it's a cruel world.

8)Left, and always ready for any surprises.

9)Door, opened with the left hand.

10) I had a Civic once, I traded it in for a SUV. (real answer - don't know)

11)No, but ask me again in about 10 or 15 years.

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1)what is ever in the frige.

2)at the same time biggrin.gif

3)the one not facing the wall


5)a little

6)can't remember

7)if family did the yes.

8)what ever hand is free.






"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Falconguy

Judging from the fact 75% of the answers were not answers.... am I IN0VADING your privacy???? *Gets real close*



And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale, horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him

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*pulls him closer*

Will you be my special friend?

*does the puppy eyes thing*


*bares his teeth*


*starts humping his leg*



























I am not a 'pigeon' or a 'shithawk',

And I don't 'drive planes' or bark commands.

I don't wear bowls, beanbags, or odd things on my head,

Although I am certain they are really, really... comfortable.

I'm in a Squadron, not a Corps.


I speak to my Cadets - not scream at them;

And I polish my boots, not my shaved head.

I can proudly wear my blue uniform and wedge.

I have a Warrent Officer First Class, not a "Chief" or a "Gunny"

Recruits, not 'New Entrys';


And that flying is a truly proud and noble profession!

A wedge is a hat; a thermal is an air movement;

And it's called 'a boot' - not 'an unpolished shoe';

It is one of the largest services,

The only one with morale,

And the best Cadet unit of all!




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