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hey fellas!


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I didn't know what beatniks were, exactly, so I had to look it up. Now I'm trying to figure out in which way you meant it.


You mean politically, socially or personally?


To put it simple, I have the same attachment towards most forms of art, and my political beliefs seem to be fairly similar to those of the people in Olivia's club; but that is as far as I am going. Clothing-wise I look more like Flores.


Person, I'm a Lupe/Copal/very-rarely-Gate Keeper person. Why would I change my mind about this? You think I'm not like them?


Okay, person. Yes, I can see the resemblance; but I do not know why, Eva reminds me of you.

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-This has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but I'm too curious to let it go anymore. El Virus, is there a reason you change your avatar almost daily? When I come to the forums I'm usually more interested in seeing what you've picked this time than reading the new posts.

- That's something I was wondering about, too. Precisely, where does El Virus get all those avatars and what each of them is supposed to representate.



There is no real secret behind it. I had the same image for almost a year; and when I became active again, I just decided to keep changing it every day, for the sake of fun (it has become more of an addiction now).

I must have more than a hundred 120x120 images stored on my computer (pathetic, is not the word). Most of them have got some sort of artistic background, others are images from movies, and the rest are just photographs of 1940s actors or musicians.


Long story short, whenever I see an image that I find interesting, I just edit it, and use it.


Unfortunately, I am going out of town soon, so I will have to settle with one. I could use some help with that, I am too undecided.


For instance, who's that guy on the current one?


This one's just a model from a hat catalogue; circa 1930.


But I have some with deeper meanings; for example, I had a rose, which I kept changing the colour tonality; or the atomic bomb on different art styles, etc.


I'm glad you like 'em, I work hard to get them ;).

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El Virus

We like them, indeed. However, I can't help being astonished at your patience. I wouldn't be able to do that in my life, I'd be bored by the very idea.


About going out of town - you could make a stock for your future avatars on some disk, perhaps. If that's that important. :rolleyes:

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