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"If you wish to know, why ask people who don't know? Try asking people who do know...IE....contacting your local Moderator.


As for re-registering, bad move.


Thread Closed."


--some d00d


d00d i got no idea who da mods R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMFAO HOW 2 ask =SSSSS


d00d i want'd 2 no so i asked publicly dont got no private friends here u no??im new ROFL u try 2 b smrt on da interweb BIG ROFLZ!!!!!!!!!!!



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Who: Doesn't matter. Probably a moderator who reported you to an admin.


Why: Because 6 out of your 8 12 out of 15 posts are flaming or spamming, and the other three are cutting it close. Now, presuming that this is what your other account looked like...yeah. Let me remind you that creating another account after you were banned is a IP banning offence.

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Who: Doesn't matter. Probably a moderator who reported you to an admin.


Why: Because 6 out of your 8 posts are flaming or spamming, and the other two are cutting it close. Now, presuming that this is what your other account looked like...yeah. Let me remind you that creating another account after you were banned is a IP banning offence.


my first post is a smily i woz xpressin LUV!!!


my second post was an inquiry =S


my third post was an inquiry =S


my fourth post was a joke, and no cursing or anything, just joking aorud d00d =S


my fifth post was an explanation of my first post, as it was not understood =S


my sixth post was a joke based on getting it in high with the admins mjz-hfive.gif


my seventh post was an inquiry/joke =S


my eighth post was an inquiry/realization of germanicness =S


my ninth post was nothing bad, melord started the fight OMFD =S


my tenth post was posting a fact that laggers=skilled =S


my eleventh post was an inquiry =S


my twelfth post was a joke to a friend =SSSS


my thirteenth post was a joke/cry for help mjz-hfive.gif


my fourteenth post was a joke, since he thinks he's cool, telling the star wars fans that he's gonna get drunk!!


my fifteenth post was a fact xD

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let me reiterate, d00d =S:


You state your own lax perspective on what is said and done online, and then subsequently proceed to divulge into the specifics of my personal life (which are unknown to you, thus making them unfounded comments) in a juvenile manner, very reminiscent of those classic insults preached amongst puberty stricken cohorts aged ten to twelve years, making it appear that you care enough about what I say to have to project, for your own security, a mental image of me that is inferior to the socially accepted average person. Indeed, I must add, it has been quite a long time since my ears were rocked by such a decisively clever quip as, "i bet u r flashrams BOYfriend LOL!!".


You'll find a common trend in my posts when I throw around insults: they're all substantiated by a common medium (a video game, in this case) that we can relate to.


To put it another way, melord, I don't make ludicrous claims that are backed by no evidence or observation. I make claims in jest and good humour, and I am always founded in saying them. For instance, I have no right to tell you you're a zit faced, sheisse for brains wanker that couldn't potato his way out of a vagina storm, but I am fully qualified to say you're a thraaap piece of scheisse newbie when it comes to Jedi Outcast.

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