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New Lightsaber Style


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I have just finished watching a Fan Movie called "The Art of the Saber" It can be downloaded from theforce.net




It was a very good movie but there was one thing i noticed about the style of the fight. In the scene where one combatant separates his double lightsaber he is holding them like daggers (3min 5secs into the film). Is it possible to create a lightsaber style like this? I have an idea: What if you model a double lightsaber with only one side (the one pointing away from the player. Then you use the mod (the Name escapes me) that allows you to use a double lightsaber in a single hand. I know the animations will not be quite right but it is worth a try. I don’t have the modding software for it but i know there are many modders out there.


Also after the same combatant flips his daggersabers over back to using them like swords he dose a whirled move that would be Perfect for a fury attack (3min 51secs into the film). I have no clue how to make the player do that?


Thank you

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I have just finished watching a Fan Movie called "The Art of the Saber" It can be downloaded from theforce.net




It was a very good movie but there was one thing i noticed about the style of the fight. In the scene where one combatant separates his double lightsaber he is holding them like daggers (3min 5secs into the film). Is it possible to create a lightsaber style like this? I have an idea: What if you model a double lightsaber with only one side (the one pointing away from the player. Then you use the mod (the Name escapes me) that allows you to use a double lightsaber in a single hand. I know the animations will not be quite right but it is worth a try. I don’t have the modding software for it but i know there are many modders out there.


Also after the same combatant flips his daggersabers over back to using them like swords he dose a whirled move that would be Perfect for a fury attack (3min 51secs into the film). I have no clue how to make the player do that?


Thank you


First off, that Fan Film RULES. It's one of the best fight scene's I've seen in any Fan Film.


As far as creating the Furry Slashes the Duel Bladed one did would require making Animations, I think. As you would actually have to manipulate the animation's to do what he did.


As far as be able to unhook lightsabers Erm..O.o That might be possible, that's out of my range XP

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The problem is as you thought animations. If you use single/dual weild weapon animations, the blades would be pointing in the wrong way, you would never actually make contact with the person. On the otherhand, using double-bladed animations would simply make the weapons appear as a double bladed weapon, perhaps with a gap/overlap between the hilts if the hilt length is changed.

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i beliebe the USm (Ultimate Saber Pack) features one.




You have to pick up the plans in the underground base, and put it in the computer next to the landing pad on Dantooine. You'll get 3 lightsabers. 1 Double-bladed, and 2 single-bladed. You throw the Double bladed in your first weapon slot, the other 2 in the second, and with H you break it up.

With a little bit of imagination, it looks very cool :)

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I took a look at the script. If what I think is true, The script says "if the player has the doublesaber in hand, then when the player attacks, create the single bladed variety and then attack. Is it possible to modify the script to create another single blade in the other hand.


#include "k_inc_switch"

#include "k_inc_debug"


void main()


object oTarget = GetFirstPC();

object oOlditem4 = GetItemInSlot(4,oTarget);

if (((GetLastCombatFeatUsed(oTarget) == 8) || (GetLastCombatFeatUsed(oTarget)==19) || (GetLastCombatFeatUsed(oTarget)==81)) && ((GetStringUpperCase(GetTag(GetItemInSlot(4,oTarget)))=="G_W_LGHTSBR06") || (GetStringUpperCase(GetTag(GetItemInSlot(4,oTarget)))=="G_W_DBLSBR002")))




if ((GetStringUpperCase(GetTag(GetItemInSlot(4,oTarget)))=="G_W_DBLSBR002"))


object oNew= CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr06",oTarget,1,0);

SetItemStackSize( oNew, 1);







object oNew= CreateItemOnObject("g_w_dblsbr002",oTarget,1,0);

SetItemStackSize( oNew, 1);










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That was what I was try to make from beginning but damn script does not execute all commands (don't ask). From dblsaber to 2 lightsabers:is destroyed, 2 lightsabers are created, and only one is go to players hand and next round come second lightsaber. That was happended 4/5 times. So I was have to change from spliting dbllightsaber in 2 lightsaber to turning off one blade (like maul use to do in first fight on ep.I)

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