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Darth Sion: A legacy of Pain.

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Hey everyone, this is my first attempt at a fan fiction. If you couldn't tell, Sion is my favorite character, and I wanted to try something a little bit different. I wanted to tell the KOTOR II tale from Sion's Point of view, and examine a bit of a backstory for him.


Ch.1: Betrayal


Lord Darth Sion, sat alone, in the heart of the Trayus Core. He could feel its dark power flowing through his mutilated form, the waves of pure hatred and rage coursed like hot irons, through each crack, wound, and scar on his flesh with a painful surge of unimagineable darkness. His good eye was shut tightly, as he meditated, whilst his evil white eye remained open, forever scanning the depths of the force, for another that would he make a victim of his terrible rage, and an outlet for his torment and pain. His thoughts drifted away from his intense physical misery, to images of his past.


He thought back to his training under Kreia's watchful gaze, she was always on his mind, her condescending, cold, and callous voice echoed within his skull, always tormenting him, constantly reminding him of his faults. Nothing he ever did was good enough for her, no matter how long he studied, how hard he trained, or how efficiently he killed, he was berated for it. He could not succeed, nor could he please his master, no matter the circumstances, Kreia would ever so spitefully remind him that Revan could do it better. It was always about Revan.


Rage boiled within the fiber of Sion's very being. He had far surpassed Revan.

The lord Revan had fled the galaxy, had a chance at an empire, and ran away like a coward. Sion had become immortal, he had harnessed his pain and rage, so that no living creature could withstand his terrible retribution, not even Revan.


His thoughts again drifted through the echoes of the force. This time they fell upon the very moment he and Nihilus had cast Kreia from the Sith order, the moment he made her pay for all of his suffering, all the humiliation he had felt from her cold lips, was repayed in full upon her physical being. He rembered waking down the long bridge leading from the academy itself, into the Trayus Core, where she sat, as she always had, in quiet contemplation. His sights were squarely fixed upon her, and exacting his revenge. Would he kill her? he thought. No for death would be her release, not her punsihment. His penalty for her would be humiliation, he would make her feel what he had felt so many times during his apprenticeship, he would show her that she was no longer his master, he would show her that she was nothing, and then he would break her. He could see Darth Nihilus out of the corner of his good eye, they approached simultaneously, to exact their justice upon their critical, yet hesitant master. For all her teachings about strength and power, she lacked both. She was to weak to attack a shattered Jedi order, and a Republic clinging to life by a thread. She was weak, and now she would suffer.


He remebered as he and Nihilus stopped at the outer ring of the core where Kreia stood. She glanced at them both suspiciously, before activating her blood red saber, and raising it to her side, ready to defend. For a moment she stared intently at her two former apprentices, as they stared ever so menacingly back. Nihilus, as always was concealed behind his trademark ghostly white mask, he gazed expressionless, out of a Darkness waiting to be unleashed. Sion on the other hand felt the rage burn within his soul, and he glared with pure hatred at her. His his lips curled into a sneer, revealed a mouth full of clenched teeth, his dead white eye cast an ominous pale gaze that pierced the edges of her soul. She knew what was next.


Nihilus used a force blast against her, sending her careening across the core, into a pillar on the opposite the room. She slumped to the floor, and tried calling her saber. Sion remebered as she struggled to call her weapon to her as he approached. She could not, Nihilus had sucked the force from her very being, fueling his own powers.


Sion stood over her now, glaring down at her as she looked up into his eyes, which were filled with nothing but hate and contempt. He would show her no mercy. He reached down and wrapped one tattered hand around her face, squeezing tightly as he did so. Her muffled screams could be heard along with the cracking of her facial bone structure, as he slammed her head against the wall. He released his grasp, allowing her enough time to look him in the eye, as he continued his assault. He planted a tightly clenched fist into her face. He could feel the flesh squeeze in and surround his knuckles as he made contact with her right cheek. He heard, and felt her right cheekbone shatter under the weight of his strike. As she began to fall, he planted a well placed knee into her rib cage, as he did this, he heard several of her ribs crack, followed by a low moan. He would not let her fall, not yet, not until she had seen the true strength he posessed. Sion stretched his gloved right hand around her neck, and lifted Kreia into the air, her legs dangled several feet off of the ground. He tightened his grip, and listened as she gargled several sickening wheezing noises, she was close to death he recalled sensing. At that moment he let her motionless for collapse at his feet.


He stood over her for a long while, smiling smugly to himself. He remembered thinking how weak she truly was, her power was only an illusion. Nihilus stood in the background watching intently.


As quickly as these dark memories entered his mind, they had dissipated. He felt something different through the force, an echo, a small ripple, a presence surrounding the echo, trying to conceal it, to shield it. Sion opened his eye, and sprung to his feet. He knew what it was he felt. It was her, she still lived, and she was trying to keep something, or someone from him. It was time for him to strike, he would find her, and the whelp she shielded from him. He would cut down all she loved, everything she held dear, until his hands were drenched in blood...........


CH.2 coming soon...........

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Chapter 2: The Harbinger.


Kreia had always scolded him for not being resourceful enough, but he had proven the manipulative old witch wrong again. Here he was on board a Republic captial class starship. He been resourceful enough to use his highly trained personal assassins to infiltrate the ship unnoticed, and take over key positions including the engine deck, maintenance deck, and crew quarters. He himself had been cunning enough to feign his own death, which resulted in the Republic troops taking his scarred form, and placing him in a kolto tank in the Medical bay. He had even managed to keep the republic Medical officer fooled, as she examined his abominable shell.


He peered out through the glass of his kolto tank as the female republic medical officer made her rounds through the med bay, she kept checking the instruments, and would repeatedly turn and stare at his Kolto tank, and at him. She was nervous, he could feel her fear, and she would be the next victim to suffer his wrath. Sion could sense through the force, that his pieces were in place, ready to strike.


His eye shot open, and glared heavily at a Republic trooper, passing by the tank. With one lunge the twisted Sith Lord burst from the glass sending shards of broken glass, and kolto spilling to the floor of the Med bay. The Republic officer, had stumbled and fallen when Sion burst from his confines. He attempted to pull his blaster on the putrid looking corpse that stalked over him. Sion reached down and grabbed the man by the wrist, and lifted him into the air, as he lifted the man he squeezed as hard as he possibly could. He felt the soldiers hand and wrist crush and shatter under the weight of his frenzied grip. The young trooper howled in pain, and his blaster fell to the floor at Sion's feet. Sion then tossed the young man like a rag doll headfirst into a kolto tank, which shattered upon impact. The corpse slid to the floor in a puddle of dark colored blood, leaking from a wound on top of his head.


Sion immediately turned his attention to finding the young female medical officer. She had his lightsaber, and he wanted it back. He stepped into the hallway, and immediately heard the words. "Freeze". Several Republic soldiers had taken position in the hallway, each had their blasters drawn on him. "Lie down on the ground now, or you won't take another step." one of the troops commanded. Sion did not respond, he just kept advancing, slowly, powerfully, and menacingly. "Ok Boys drop em" The soldiers immediately opened fire. He let several blaster bolts hit him in the chest, he knew the pain would only increase his power, the wounds healed as soon as they hit. Sion let out a low growl, and charged forward at full speed. The troops began retreating down the hall, horrified at what they had just seen. They didn't make it very far, as Sith assassins appeared out of thin air, to cut them down like grass. Sion turned the corner, to see the dead soldiers, surrounded by four of his assassins, who immediately bowed, and pointed down the hall, to where the frightened medical officer worked a comlink to the bridge.


As Sion lumbered in close behind her, he could hear what she was saying into the comm device. "That thing......asleep in the tank was a Sith Lord." she wailed frantically. "Alive the whole time......just waiting for something to wake him up.....with him are Sith.....they appeared out of nowhere sir......". He stepped directly behind her and growled down the back of her neck "I have come for the jedi." She screamed but only for a second, Sion had grabbed her by the head and bashed it off the comms console, killing the transmission.


The young woman looked up into his cold dark eyes, searching for a shred of sympathy, she would find none. She whimpered and pleaded with him for mercy.

"P-p-please don't h-hurt me" she stammered. Tears began to swell in her eyes, and roll down her cheeks. Sion remained silent, he just stared down at her, there was no pity, nor compasion in his gaze, just anger, and his will to destroy Kreia and the one she aided. The young woman again pleaded with Sion, more desperate this time "Please, don't hurt me, I b-beg you, I'm just a doctor....I...I tried to help you." Her eyes were now red from crying, met his which were hard and cold. "Please" she said gently. Her attempts to beg for her life had fallen upon deaf ears. Sion used the force to call his saber to his gloved right arm. Sh felt a tug at her belt, as his black HILT ripped itself from her neat uniform, and ignited instantly in his hand. She shrieked, and raised her hands to cover her face. Sion spun the blade downward, and drove it through her chest, all the while keeping his vengeful eyes locked to hers. the last sight she would see, as she gasped her dying breath was Sion's cold gaze.


He had left her body now, and proceeded to the bridge flanked by his assassins, where he swiftly dispatched the remaining crew, in a swirling blaze of red light, as his lightsaber pierced all of their flesh. He turned his sight out the main observation window, only to see a small brown freighter leaving the hangar. "It's her!" he hissed angrily. "Fire all batteries, I don't want them getting through."


The Harbingers guns opened fire on the fleeing freighter, several blasts crashing through the outer hull. the ship dodged and twirled, trying to avoid the oncoming Harbinger. Just as Sion was about to ram the smal ship, it streaked out of his view and into hyperspace. "Find them, track them! She and the Jedi will not be kept from me." Sion shouted angrily. "Track their coordinates and set a course."

"their on course for the Peragus mining colony." spoke one of his loyal assassins. "Then that is where we follow." retorted Sion impatiently.


The Harbinger's four large sub-light engines roared to life, as the ship entered hyperspace, in pursuit of the small brown freighter titled, The Ebon Hawk.

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Ch.3 Peragus, and Kreia's sacrifice.


The Harbinger had come out of hyperspace upon a ghost town of a mining facility. Darth Sion knelt down on the bridge, he was surrounded by a command deck littered with the corpses of Republic soldiers that had been killed by his hand. He stretched out through the force, seaching ever so intently for the signature of his master, and her newest wretch. He could feel her, she was close, she was in the facility itself, as was the echo that she guarded. She could feel Sion's presence, and he knew, but did not care, her fear would force her to act abruptly, which would play into his very hands.


Sion rose to his feet, and gestured with his left hand. Two assassins promptly uncloaked. "They are here."He uttered in a ghastly voice. "Make sure they find their way onto this ship." The two assassins saluted their dark master, and turned quickly, re-cloaked, and dissappeared off the bridge.


Sion waited patiently, which was not one of his most endearing traits. He could feel her, and the echo growing closer. They were trying to escape the dead mining camp. His ship offered the only route to the hangar bays, and he knew this, he would lure them into a trap.


There it was, coming from the hallway, just left of the bridge, the echo was here, and so was she, but they were not alone, he could sense another faint echo, but this one seemed to be counting off numbers, and naming hyperspace routes. He knew it was no droid, for droids have no mind to pass thoughts through. It was no matter, all three of their lifesigns would soon be silenced. Sion closed his eyes, and used the Dark side to camouflage his cracked, and greying corrupted form from their sight. He would decend past their notice, and await them on the Maintenance level, should they survive that far. He turned and walked carefully through the doors to the turbolift, at the same moment the small band enterred the command center, and engaged several of his assassins.


The doors to the turbolift slid open gently, and Sion made his way accross the Medical deck, which connected to the main engine, and maintenance areas. As he walked, he stepped over the corpses of a dozen or so victims, one particular caught his view as he passed, and that was of the Medical officer. She still had the same look of terror spread accross her face. He sneered at her dead body as he passed by, and exited onto the main engine decks, where he would await the arrival of his former master and her new.....friends, he thought to himself with contempt.


He hid quietly in the darkness of the level, and plotted. As he had predicted, a moment later the turbolift doors slid open softly. He heard three sets of footsteps cautiously making their way about deck. When they stopped, and one of the three, a male spoke out with a concerned and suspicious tone. "I have a bad feeling about this." Another man spoke in a soft and gentle tone, "What's wrong?" The suspicious voice responded again " Can't you feel it?!?" he shouted anxiously "Something is gonna go real bad, real fast." The one with the gentler tone, the Jedi he assumed spoke again to ease the other's weary mind. "It's to late to turn back now, we keep going or we die here." "Alright but don't say I didn't warn you." spoke the suspicious voice again. But there, there it was, the sound he had hated more than any other in the galaxy, it was her, that same grinding, pride stomping voice he had grown to despise. "Come you two, this is not the time, we have to hurry." The three immediately started back down the hallway, their footsteps echoing as the clanged off of the metal flooring.


After they had reached the end of the hallway 100 or so feet beyond, Sion stepped into view behind them. He watched as all three of them stopped dead in their tracks, as if they had been frozen in time. Each of them slowly turned to face him. He could see the pure shock on all three of their faces, and he could feel the fear flowing from all three, none more so than that of his master. "This battle is mine and mine alone. he cannot kill what he cannot see, and power has blinded him long ago....RUN." Kreia shouted to her companions, as they took off down the hall. She ran towards him, but cloaked her presence as she did, she disappeared from his view.


Sion began to stalk forward, as his lips formed an intimidating snarl revealing his teeth which were clenched tight with anger. He spoke to her in his deep grovely voice, contempt filling every word. "I sense you my master...faint....weak." Kreia responded with her familiar voice, and how he hated her he thought. "Your senses betray you, as you betrayed me." whispered Kreia arrogantly, as she continued. "To have fallen so far and learned nothing....that is your failure." Sion felt the anger burn within his soul, as more hate spurned words burst from his throat "The Failure is yours." He shouted. "No longer does your voice whisper within my skull. No longer Do I suffer beneath teachings that weaken us." Total malice filled his voice as he continued. "And now you run in search of the jedi. They are all dead, save one. And one broken Jedi cannot stop the darkness that is to come."

Kreia stepped confidently from the shadows, with her green bladed saber humming to life, as she spoke once more. " Perhaps, but we shall see." Sion could feel her behind him, every memory, and every angry thought he ever had poured through him, he wanted to end her life, but death was to good for her, so he would make her suffer. With a flick of his wrist, his crimson bladed weapon came to life, he spun as quick as lightning, shocking Kreia completely, what happend next although transpired in a millisecond, seemd to go on forever to him. His blade streaked through the air, leaving a trail of bright red light, as Kreia slowly raised her own weapon. He brought his blade down accross her left wrist, severing the hand from her arm. He heard her gasp and scream in total shock and pain. He stood tall above her, as she cowered at her knees before him.


He glared down at her, the rage boiling as it always had. She would not meet his stare. "So what would you do now Sion? Kill me? You have already cast me down, I have suffered indignities beyond your imagination." She could feel his hatred, and his power, she knew in her heart she was no match for him, and neither was her new apprentice to be. She spoke again, as Sion pulsed with unbridled fury, his saber still active, and held right above her throat."For All I taught Sion, you have never learned to listen..." He immediately cuts her off. "Even now, in defeat you still lecture me. I have surpassed you in every way witch, I AM THE MASTER." He sends several bolts of lightning coursing through her, and watches as the blue energy flashes against her flesh causing her to writhe in agony. "Stay here and watch as your new apprentice dies. Only when you have nothing left that you hold dear, will I allow you to die." Sion turned and left Kreia lying in a smoking clump on the floor.


The doors to the bridge slid open and Sion entered. His assassins stood at total readiness. He strutted with his chest out, and his arms hanging extended outwards at his sides. He walked with a hint of arrogance, you could smell the victory, and pride rolling off of him. After all why shouldn't he be proud, he had made the old scow suffer, he had bested her in lightsaber combat, using an unorthadox combination of Makashi and Djem So, that she often reprimanded for being to brutish. He could see the small freighter once again trying to flee him. It was in his sights. "Fire on the ship, don't let them escape." he commanded.


The Harbinger pursued the Ebon Hawk through the asteroid field. Its lasers blaring as the small craft dodged, trying to avoid both asteroid and laser blast. But the situation was too tight, and his guns pierced one of the fuel covered rocks, which burst into flame, and proceeded to explode. With it the entire field began erupting in destruction, including the mining station. Sion turned to his assassins who desperately were trying to steer the Harbinger clear of danger. "Emergency manuevers, take us clear of the field." The ship narrowly eescaped its desturction with the Peragus facility.


Sion stared blankly from the bridge into space, his hatred resurfacing. He clenched his fists tightly, and every muscle in his body tensed, for he knew her apprentice still lived.........

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Just as good as the last one, only a lot more spelling errors. And why does Kreia have a lightsaber?



Sorry about all the Type-o's........im fixing that right now........I am getting tired...its been a long day, sorry about all the mistakes......the next chapter will be less faulty I assure you. :D


Thanks Again for all the feedback. ;)


It should flow better now, I fixed as many errors as I could find at the moment, so give it another look.


Oops, yea the lightsaber. I downloaded the USM mod, and she has a lightsaber when she faces Sion in it. I forgot that before the MOD she uses a Vibrosword. Also, I thought it made it a little more intriguing if she fought him with a saber, after all she is his former master........


on another note, the next couple of chapters will be focusing on Sion's adventures, up until his confrontation with the Jedi Exile on Korriban, more of his backstory, and memories will be explored, fully developing a character Obsidian left rather in the dark.

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Sorry about all the Type-o's........im fixing that right now........I am getting tired...its been a long day, sorry about all the mistakes......the next chapter will be less faulty I assure you. :D


Thanks Again for all the feedback. ;)


It should flow better now, I fixed as many errors as I could find at the moment, so give it another look.

Don't worry about getting the next chapter out too fast, take your time. If you rush yourself it isn't as fun as it could be, and then isn't as good as it could be. Keep up the great work! :)

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After a day of respite, here is the much anticipated next Chapter.


Chapter 4: The Pains Of Hunger.........


Malachor V remained as it always had, a shadow beyond the darkness, breeding new hatred at every turn. Sion had managed to escape the destruction of Peragus, rather unscathed, not that it mattered he new he could not be killed. He had knelt down in the core of Trayus, a pale red glow, cast over his shattered form, as he stretched out through the force, forever searching for those that had eluded his wrath. "Where are you old woman, you know you cannot shield him from me." He thought to himself. His time of reflection, however was brought to an abrupt end, as he felt a heavy darkness weigh in around him, like a heavy suffocating fog.


Sion slowly stood to his feet, and turned to the narrow bridgeway connecting the Academy itself, to the core. His good eye narrowed, and his lips curled back into a snarl, as the towering black draped form of Nihilus silthered towards him. Dark energy pulsed throughout the being of the masked Sith, and Sion immediately knew what had transpired. He could feel the death of millions etched upon Nihilus's soul, among them, Jedi.


Sion felt anger boil up in his twisted body, it gave him great focus. He detested Nihilus's power, and his use of it. He struck like a coward, like a thief in the night, robbing the life force of those around him, to lazy to engage his enemies in open combat, blade upon blade. Sion was no fool, he knew the extent of Nihilus's terrible powers, and was not one to underestimate him.


"Why have you come back here, there is nothing left for you." Sion spat out with contempt.

"#$$%&*& *^&%^$(*%$^$%^*$ ^%$$$" Nihilus hissed in a voice so consumed by darkness, that to the ear of one untrained, would sound like a strange pattern of sounds. "So Katarr was where they gathered? And that is where you devoured them. I would have preferred to meet them in open combat, so I could show them how truly pathetic the Jedi Order is." Nihilus's tone seemed to hint at anger as it grew deeper, and the sound patterns more erratic and booming. "!&!!%!&%&***&&%&$&%^$^(^ %^%^%^" Boomed the dark form of Nihilus, his cloak flowing around him, as if to conceal and resemble the blackness of his spirit."


Sion ignited his saber, and raised it into his attack stance. "I do not fear you, you know you cannot use your powers on me. My powers flow from the darkness within my flesh, and you do not feed upon flesh." Nihilus, just by his gestures and motions, seemed cocky and arrogant, hissed condescendingly down upon Sion, as he gazed at the tattered wretch, through eyes cloaked in shadow and power. "&()^$#^%^%&" gurgled the Dark Lord. "Title's mean nothing to me, call yourself whatever you wish, but I do not serve you, I serve myself." Sion growled, as he lept in the air with his saber above his head, driving towards Nihilus.


Sion used all of his strength with the blow, but his opponent had already ignited his blood red blade, and with an elegant ease parried Sion's blow. Nihilus was always a master duelist, Sion remebered as much, sparring with him during their training. Although he himself had mastered FormII, Nihilus, had taken it to all new levels, and used it to effortlessly defend and attack. "I'm surprised you still know how to use a lightsaber, hiding for so long behind your vaunted hunger." Sion again charged forward, combining aspects of Form II Makashi, and Form V Djem So, in a brutal and furious attempt to overpower his foe. Sion slashed, and whirled at Nihilus, in a blaze of streaking red light. His attack's were coming fast, and powerfully, enhanced by his rage, but each blow was masterfully deflected by The Dark Lord. Nihilus made it look so easy as he twirled his weapon with a grace and finesse rarely seen. After several intense minutes, of saber mastery, the two Sith deactivated their weapons and stood facing one another.


Sion had a small line of sweat forming on his scar-ridden brow. Nihilus remained silent, only raising his hand to point at Sion's left chest muscle. Sion glanced down, and saw a small sizzling wound, just starting to heal itself. He had earned many scars in the past for his bouts with Nihilus, why should this time be any different. "&**%^^^^&%(*((&*^^" Nihilus hissed, as he turned, and exited the core. His heavy footfalls echoing throught the cavernous space.


Sion was once again alone, he had returned to his meditations. She had always criticized him. Even his styles, she mocked and claimed to be overly aggressive, and far to brutish to be considered truly elite. He felt a surge of pure rage, but was calmed almost instantly at thoughts that popped into his mind. For someone not considered elite, he had bested her in one swing, lopping her hand from its wrist. She had always raved about how special her defensive mastery of Form III was. He snickered to himself. He had bested her with his "Brutish" style, which brought him immense satisfaction. He also knew, that her inferior ways would be passed upon her new apprentice. He would cast the whelp's corpse at her feet showing her, that he was the true master, and that his brutal and volatile abilities were far superior to any she held dear.


His thoughts were interrupted as he felt a small tug in the currents of the Dark Side. There was something.......out of place. There was a presence.....a jedi on Korriban, he could feel it clearly now. Not Kreia or the Exile, but a Jedi none the less. Why the fool would seek out Korriban was beyond his imagination, but he would be there to welcome her. He stood abruptly, and strutted quickly accross the bridgeway exiting the core, his footfalls sounding in the impending death he would bring to this....jedi.

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Chapter 5: Another Dead Jedi.


The small shuttle had folded up its wing panels, and descended onto the empty landing pad, in the now abandoned Dreshdae settlement on Korriban. Darth Sion descended down the loading ramp, which slid quietly from docked vessel. He took his first steps into the rather run-down colony. The main assembly area displayed several torn and tattered Czerka recruiting posters, and a myriad of broken protocol droids, as well as several skeletal corpses.


He had already sent his assassins inside the ancient Korriban academy, to trap the Jedi inside, whom he could sense. Sion continued down the long hallway past the cantina, which had now become home to nothing more than a few dried out bones.

As he continued his descent towards the academy, he recalled his training under Uthar Wynn, prior to the manipulative witch. Uthar would regularly commend his brutality, and aggressiveness, claiming his rage to be an essential step into becoming a great Sith.


At last Sion had come to the entrance of the academy, which like everything else on Korriban, was guarded the corpses of several Sith soldiers. He entered and took a deep breath of the cold, damp, musty air within the academy's main chamber. HE gazed around the deserted corspe strewn academy ante-chamber. Everything was as he rembered. He could almost see Uthar standing proudly in front of an eager student body, spouting his wisdom and knowledge of the Dark Side. He had become more than Uthar could ever have imagined.


He heard a sound behind him, and spun around quickly, to see two of his assassins uncloaking. "Have you done as I have asked, is the academy door sealed? Are the exits blocked?" Sion demanded. "Master, Everything is as you have requested. we have followed the Jedi woman throughout these ruins, she seems to have been searching for something, but we know not what." A dirty glare covered Sion's greyed features. "Where is she now?" Sion queried. "In the torture chamber, she seems to be trying to hack into the academy's database from there." Sion without saying another word turned and stormed up the steep hallway, leading to the torture chamber.


He turned the corner, and there she was, a middle aged Jedi woman, staring at him, with a look of confusion, and covered fear. Her features were small and well placed, she had light brown eyes and hair that was once the same color brown, now had streaks of silver. She wore long brown robes, that flowed about her, they were the robes of a Jedi Master. "welcome Jedi Knight, what brings you to this graveyard world? Is it death you seek? For thats what you will find." He growled at her. She staggered back a step, obviously taken aback by hs appearance. "W-what the hell are you?" She choked out. "I am Darth Sion, and you, must be master Vash, although it does not matter, you'll soon be dead."


Lonna Vash stood up straight, letting the astonishment pass her by. She pulled her silver and gold hilt from her waistband, and activated her Lightsaber. A brilliant yellow beam extended with a humming sound. "You are a perversion of the Dark Side.....to which I have never seen before. I must get out of here and worn those that still live." she stated urgently. Sion smirked at her. "You refer to the Exile, you cannot save him from his fate. He will die by my blade, just like you." He snorted. "I-I have to warn him". Vash retorted. Before Sion knew what was going on, Lonna Vash used the force to cast a brilliant white flash of energy in his eyes. He dropped to a knee, and began desperately rubbing the light from his sight.


She had bought herself a moment and lept back into the torture chamber, and began furiously typing into the console. Sion had regained his composure, and stood menacingly behind her. With an enormous growl of rage, he lept accross the hall with his saber ignited, and brought it streaking down towards her head. Vash rolled and barely avoided getting flayed alive. She jumped back into the hallway and held her saber extended towards him. Sion twirled his around his waist several times before raising his own. The two masters, one of dark, and one of light stood facing one another, in an intense anticipation. Sion snarled with hatred, took off with his saber raging directly for Vash, who raised her own to deflect several well placed, and overly forceful blows.


Sion could feel that he was much stronger than she, and continued to use his Form II/V hybrid, to drive her back. She desperately parried each of his red streaking swipes and stabs. Their blades connected for a moment, sending bright red and yellow light throughout the academy hall. For a moment their eyes met eachothers, and he gazed a cold hard stare down into her eyes, from which he could see a fear welling in. HE soon planted his foot into the much smaller combatants chest, sending her into the air.


She had regained her balance well though, he was surprised as she landed on her feet. "Now you begin to feel the power of the dark side." He spouted at her. "The dark may cover the light, but it will never eclipse it." she retorted, before sprinting off down towards the main assembly area. He did not chase after her, only slowly descending behind her, for he knew his assassins were blocking her exits.


He came to the end of the hall way and saw Vash in the center of the chamber, her yellow bladed weapon raised into a defensive position. The entire chamber was surrounded by his assassins. He stepped in ten or so feet behind her, as he did the assassins closed in around them forming a battle circle encompassing the entire room.


"So you would have your pawns murder me, Sion?" she stated grimly. "They will not harm you. Should you defeat me, they will let you go, unharmed." She nodded, and then charged him, she was using a form IV approach. Her style was very aggressive, almost desperate. He dropped back, defended a slew of well placed blows. Their sabers once again colored the chamber patches or red and yellow. They danced around eachother in a display of rather impressive swordsmanship. Their sabers again came to a lock. But Sion had had enough, and held vash in lock with his right hand, while bringing a clubbing left upperut into her jaw, which sent her staggering backwards, breaking the lightsaber deadlock. He followed the uppercut, with a hard sidekick to the face, sending her sprawling accross the floor.


He walked slowly in upon her, like a predator carefully stalking its prey. He was standing over her now, she struggled to bring herself to her feet into a fighting position. As she slowly rose, he could see warm red blood trickling from her nose, and filling her mouth, it ran quickly down her chin, and onto her white robed vest. He twirled his saber arrogantly in his right hand. Admiring the work her had made of her once pretty face. He extended his left hand and gestured for her to attack. "Come now, have at me." he venomously stated.


Lonna again raised her saber, he could see in her eyes, that she knew she was beaten, but yet she still hoped she might outmaneuver him. With a deep breath she charged him once more. After blocking several more of her blows, he had trapped the blade of her saber beneath his. With a swift and precise motion, he spun around behind her and brought his blade swiftly accross her spine, seering the flesh of her lower back. She screamed and fell forward onto the ground. As he again began to circle her, as she struggled once more to raise herself.


He stopped circling, and stood directly in front of her, his boot right in front of her eye. He stared down through a glassy stare at the woman, as she again rose up to face him. Indeed she had courage, but it was to no avail. He stared directly into her eyes, his cold white dead eye piercing the fibers of her soul. She had a look of total desperation now, he could almost taste her fear. She would attack him again, but this would be the last time, and she knew it.


Sion awaited her charging blade, as she lunged forward in a desperate attempt to defeat him. He smiled, and in one masterful swipe, parried her blow, and brought his own saber underneath hers, severing her dueling arm at the elbow. She howled in agony, as the stump of her forearm and saber clanged off of the hard stone floor. He deactivated his weapon,and spun in behind her so that his chest was touching the back of her head. As he stood in behind the shocked and suffering Vash, he yanked her head backwards by her hair, so that he could look down into her eyes as she breathed her last few breath. She yelped helplessly as he did this. As he held her under his control like a marionette, he hissed vehemently at her "Look around you.....you see them, you see this, this is what the future holds, but for you, there is no future." She wimpered almost inaudibly "you....monster." Her eyes were closed tightly, and small tears ran down her cheeks, down past the dried blood. He had now cupped his other hand on her blood covered chin. In one swift movement he moved both hands, the one gripping her hair, and the one cupping her chin, in opposite directions, snapping her neck, and effectively ending her life with a sickening CRACK.


Her corpse dropped from his grip, into a pile at his feet. He stared down a her lifeless body for a brief moment, before refocusing on his goals. "Throw this waste in the torture cells. We wait now for a witch and her apprentice. A critical moment approaches." Sion announced triumphantly..........."Another Dead Jedi" He muttered..................

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Holy S**T!!!! I am amazed at this story! Absolutely magnificent storytelling! I think that ForceFight has some competition. The way you have described Sion makes me wish that you had been on the creative team working on TSL in the first place. You really have turned him into an absolute badass! I can't wait to read more!

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Holy S**T!!!! I am amazed at this story! Absolutely magnificent storytelling! I think that ForceFight has some competition. The way you have described Sion makes me wish that you had been on the creative team working on TSL in the first place. You really have turned him into an absolute badass! I can't wait to read more!


Thanks for the vote of confidence. :D I'm enjoying writing this story, and am glad to see that you guys are enjoying it ;)


I don't know if i'm in ForceFight's class, but just mentioning that gives me huge boost. And I wish I was on the creative team at obsidian too, we would have had one awesome KOTOR II, with a developed cast. Next chapter will be out this afternoon.

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Chapter 6: Shadows from the past.


Korriban had about it a darkness, which preyed upon the dark memories and images from one's past. As Sion meditated within the walls of the grizzled academy, images of his past flooded into his mind. His thoughts were disturbed, as they always were, such painful memories, for they were all that he had, or at least all that he could remember.

The particular events plagueing his tortured recolections were of the day, he became the creature he was now.


HE recalled that day almost five years earlier, kreia had sent him into the depths of Malachor, to search for and find a rare lightsaber crystal, that Revan had hidden after the end of Mandalorian conflict. Sion trudged through the mountains, and jagged cliffs, and steep rockfaces, avoiding the main paths and flatter regions, as not to encounter any unwanted attention to the planets natural predators, the Storm beasts, which were vicious 8 foot tall clawed reptiles, with a nack for devouring the flesh of those unlucky enough to cross them.


After nearly a half a day of hiking through the treacherous terrain Malachor offered him, Sion had come to a clearing, with the remnants of a downed ship, most likely from the Mandalorian Wars no doubt. But there it was, in the center of the clearing, a small red, brightly glowing crystal shard. He began advancing towards it, slowly, and cautiously, for the air was to quiet, and he knew, quiet was never a good thing. He bent over and picked the small item up, and held it in the palm of his hand, the red crystal was hot to the touch. Sion quickly unscrewed the bottom of his Hilt, and inserted the item, before reassembling his weapon. He pushed the button, activating his weapon, which now produced a brilliant red blade. He turned to head back to the academy, only to see what seemed like 20 or more vicious storm beasts, drooling and snapping as they stared at him. Sion felt an instant feeling of dread, and stepped back activating his red-bladed weapon. The beasts roared and began charging towards him.


Sion lept into action bringing his blade down upon the head of several of the beasts. One fell limp as its head was lopped off, another was flayed alive, and several more fell as he unleashed a barrage of torturous blue lightning upon them. But it was to avail, he was heavily out numbered, by the massive beasts, and soon, they were on top of him. He felt his saber get knocked from his right hand, before a beast raised its clawed fist, and sent him sprawling to the hard rocky floor only to be left at their mercy.


Sion continued to struggle against the weight of his numerous carniverous attackers. He kicked and squirmed, but soon felt an intense sharp pain plunge into his chest, only to see hot red blood pouring out where a chunk of lesh, now in the mouth of a beast once resided. He screamed in pain, but the beasts kept clawing and biting.


He had fallen back to the floor, and tried desperately to crawl to his weapon, but was thwarted each time, by a claw or teethed jaw piercing his flesh. He again found himself lifted into the air, a beast had lifted him off of the ground in its clawed hands, and held him to its face. Sion ever defiant spit blood into the beasts cold red eyes. The animal responded by biting him on the forehead, above his right eye, and peeling the flesh and eyelid from the eye socket. Sion again howled in pain, as red blood ran like a river from his forehead and now exposed right eye and socket onto his face and once handsome features. After that everything was a blur, and darkness had taken him.


He had awakened sometime later, lying face down in a pool of dark red blood. He lay there for a moment struggling for breath. Every part of his body ached and throbbed. He could tell that many of his bones had been fractured, or crushed under the weight of his attackers. He fought with his pain and total disorientation just to roll over onto his back. After several more minutes, lying gazing up at the starry night sky,gasping for breath, and each time feeling a sharp burning pain in his chest, he heard a voice, an awful evil, deep grovely sounding tone command him, to use the pain, to become one with it, to let it feed his soul, and make him stronger, to rise.


Again rage boiled within his soul. Why had she done this to him? why had she allowed this to happen? Why would his master not help him? Did she intend for him to die? These thoughts went tearing through his mind like a herd of banthas fleeing a Krayt Dargon. In one foul, and stiff motion, he forced himself onto his hands and knees. It was then that he noticed, that his right hand, and entire arm up to the shoulder was bear, there was no more flesh on it, it had been shaved off, completely exposing the tightly packed, and well formed muscle and tissue fibers, contracting and flowing tightly as he pushed himself onto his feet. He soon began to shake violently as a cold dark realization fell over him.


He sprinted as fast as his newly shredded form would carry him, to a piece of metal sticking out of the ground. He picked it up and dusted it off frantically with his one hand that still had skin. Only to shriek at what he saw. His once handsome and well placed features, were now torn and tattered. He noticed the flesh and eyelid surrounding his right eye and socket were now torn away leaving a bloody, and gaping mess around an eye which once had a normal brown puil, was now a ghastly white. His bald head, was covered with bloody cached cracks and scrapes from his terrible encounter. He let out a roar of total rage and anger. Then he heard that awful deep grovely voice speaking to him again. Telling him he must make his way back to the academy, kill every beast he comes accross, and make the lying , bertaying witch pay for what she had done to him. Another terrible realization had hit him, as he looked around, to see who the voice belonged to, he saw noone, he was alone, it was then that he learned that monstrous sound, came from his lips.


After a long while of staring at his new abhorred appearance, he bent down and picked up his crimson bladed weapon with his bloody and oozing flesh-shaven right arm. Sion again let a massive growl build within his pained and bloodied exterior, before departing back to Trayus, he would take the short way back, and make those beasts pay with their own flesh.


After several hours of successful slaughter, he had returned to the Trayus academy. He coldly rushed by a full cadre of sith in training, who were clearly terrifyed by his new, twisted shell. He turned the corner of the main hallway, and kicked Kreia's door open with such a force, it shook the room. "YOU" He snarled full of venom and hate"YOU BETRAYED ME.......YOU SENT ME INTO A DEATHTRAP, SENT ME TO DIE" He screamed at her in a total frenzy." So I am here to return the favor." Kreia without even turning, or rising from her meditation, responded in the typical cold, callous, and berating tone. "So you've come to kill me, have you? I should have expected as much from you, you never understood anything, with you my teachings always fell upon deafness, as I see they still are." She continued with a sigh "Sion, because of my influence, you have done what no other has ever done, you have mastered you own pain, sewed it into your flesh, it has given you a supernatural ability to survive. In short, you have become immortal. The Dark Side flows through you strongly, and it is a perfect power and suits your brutish ways. Now you can charge headfirst into any battle no matter the circumstances, and come out with a kill and a victory. The pain of others will fuel your power and your rage. Simply look at your wounds, they've already healed themselves, leaving scars, to show as proud badges, and strike fear into your enemies hearts." He glanced at the small mirror on her wall to see that all the wounds had scarred over, leaving dreadful scars on his body, his flesh, or what could be seen of it beneath the dirt and cached blood, was now a greyed and cragged looking. She now stood up and faced him, sighing rather annoyedly. "and for Malak's sake, clean that rot and filth off of yourself." referring to the dried up blood and dirt. "Its unbecoming of a Sith. Yes that's what I called you, you have passed your final trial, and now have become what you were destined to be, Darth Sion. Now leave me and clean yourself off." She turned and kneeled back down to meditate.


Sion was furious, his torment, the mutilation of his body was a test? He wanted to kill her, but not yet, he would make her suffer as he had suffered, he would make her pay 10-fold for the pain he endured. He stormed out of her quarters on the way to his own, where he promptly slew several new recruits in a fury, which in time would be directed at her. He had locked himself in his quarters, for none to disturb. He let the warm water from his automated shower rinse the dirt and dried blood, from the hideous amalgamation that he called his body. After drying himself, and reattiring for what he felt would be proper for his new terrifying look, he crafted a long slick, black armored sleeve, and glove, that he would wear for the rest of his life, on his right hand and arm, that would be worn to cover up scarring, that even he himself could no longer look at. From that moment forward, all his planning and haterd were set on course, spinning into a chain of events that would leave him to where he sat now, meditating patiently on Korriban, which as always fueled him with rage and power, awaiting Kreia, to inflict more of his punishment and pain upon her.


His good eye snapped open, and he sprung to his feet, he could feel the echo, he could feel her, she was her, and she had brought her new apprentice. This he could not allow. This one was special to her, he could feel it, and when he killed this.....exile, she would suffer.

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