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PC Gamer(UK) reviews NGE

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Eh, we're all aware of the facts of NGE by now. Thing I'm upset about is the freakin' lag! How can they continue to charge us for this JUNK? They should all be fired IMHO


well apparently soe are gonna d a system purge I.E. gonna get rid of all the harvesters and houses atc that have had no maintenence in them for the last 6 months or sommething like that, or mabye people who havent played in 6 months, anyway that would get rid of some of the lag. although i gotta say i dunno what u ppl are talking bout i got no lag at all.

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well apparently soe are gonna d a system purge I.E. gonna get rid of all the harvesters and houses atc that have had no maintenence in them for the last 6 months or sommething like that, or mabye people who havent played in 6 months, anyway that would get rid of some of the lag. although i gotta say i dunno what u ppl are talking bout i got no lag at all.

Good for you,in all the time playing everybody i know suffered from lag problems.


Even with my new PC 2 gig ram,geforce 7800GTX it still lagged like an old steam trian,thats the truth,but anyways..

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Guest DarthMaulUK

More RAM is always good. Like Fozzie, I have 2 gig ram and a beast of a PC and the lag is terrible. I have NEVER experiened this kind of lag anywhere. Its bad when you open your inventory up and it takes a week to display your items and the names wont even appear.


Its been in the game since day one but never this bad. There really isnt much you can do about it as it will never get fixed no matter what SOE say



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