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Small fixes for TSL


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Okay things I think was intended to make sense in the game


1. Citadel Station


when in the exchange headquarters and after you killed Luxa and her boss, or only Luxa. When using the computer in the room the following options are lacking under the camera section


1. Reception - overload desk, killing secretary, gaining DS points

2. Holding Cell - set the cell to fry the ithorian, gaining DS points.


2. Dantooine


after searching the sublevel you learn that Tarn as assistant to maintenance guy (Tarn is the old guy near ebon hawk LZ) was supposed to have been on guard outside the locked storage room (it is written in the computer you have to blow up to gain access) where you find the dead body.


with this knowledge it should be possible to convince(LS) or threaten/shame (DS) him into joining the Militia for the defense of Khoonda


will add more later as I remember/find them

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okay found another two on citadel station


1. When you take possesion of Ramara from the "Harra/Doton Het/Ramara" sidequest in the cantine you can occationally go back and get money off her.


if you use either the exchange option, or buy/win her and take her to Harra, and then tell her to get back to work because you wont release her, she will then ignore you in the cantina, I am quite convinced she was supposed to pay you money in these cases too.



when you do the quests for the merchant, stealing the plant shield and med supplies, when at the med supplies the box is unlocked and you can just pick them up, next to the box is a computer with no functionality but the welcome screen.


What would be nice was that the box was locked (if opened prior to getting this quest it should be relocked) and there should be 3 ways to open it,


"Security" open like any other box by normal means


and two options in the computer next to it


"Computer Use", using spikes to open it

"Repair", set the console for self destruct you have 10 seconds to get out of the Area effected and then it blos up, opening the box.

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The med supplies is a bug keep adding to these and I will incoporate them into TSL Enhanced or you can add them to the WIP TSL Enhanced Thread because these things are nice also I will release them seperatly from TSL Enhanced when I get a few moments.

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