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what the heck!?


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you try running this game, the players dont know what they want, fans complain about timelines, noobs complain they have to play the game to get stuff, vets complain all the time about everything!


So many people want different things so soe dunno what the hell to do, i dont care if all the vets leave anymore cause i hear complaints from them, if a noob asks for help, he gets shouted at that he destroyed the game, not nice dude!

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Dude look at the other games that don't have mass problems. If Microsoft was given a chance to make the game they would make it great! Why doesn’t Lucasarts make the game since Sony are not Star Wars experts and can obviously not match the game with the story of Star Wars!!!

I have been playing since before the NGE so if you think that I am a noob I am not. If SOE would work a little harder and not give us Holiday presents and focus on small tweaks and just put all of there energy into researching into what would make the game better I bet that diehard SW fans would be more appreciative because SWG doesn’t need little "tweaks" it needs big changes!! If you can not face the fact that it needs major improvements then I am sorry. I have tried to tell SOE what I think needs to be changed in the game and what other people say what needs to be changed and I have seen no caring from SOE. If we are going to get money sucked out of us and expect to be paying over $100 for a game that doesn’t even work properly then that is sad that we would allow a gigantic corporation to do that to us.

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Like JCAD, I'm also getting pretty tired about vets complaining. This is what happens when people want different things.


But I'm no SOE fan either! I'm tired of Sony's marceting generally! Look at a playstation for an example. First you buy the box. Then you need a memery card, which is not exactly free! If you want to play with friends, you'll need a new controller, which is EVEN more expensive than the memory card.

Suddenly you get tired of playing singleplayer all the time, and you want to play over the internet. Once again you have to buy another thing, a network adapter, which is also quite expensive.


The PSP has for more than 250$ extra-equipment or whatever you would call it.


I would LOVE to have some better devs, that you actually can get in contact with. The SWG main boards are out of control! People that hate NGE still pays the subscription just to spam about how stupid an idiot John Smedley and Julio Torres are.


But, SWG is a good game, I love it. But it could be MUCH better, and I feel that it will be. The devs are working on the game nonstop at the moment (that might explain why they're never on the boards, or in the chat) to fix what they should've done before NGE.


IMO, they should put the game back in beta for, maybe, 3 months, and fix it.

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I no longer discuss the issue of this Game with people when they hate it this much. any logical statement is rebuked and will undoubtebly end with, "I payed my money and I can complain if I want to besides no one is making you read these types of threads so just stay out."


and its not just here. anyone who asks even the most simple question--say, "how do I use a starship terminal?"--will get one or two answeres where as they need to scroll thru 10-15 posts of negativity. In fact, I think there is a sniffer program that finds these posts and alerts a network of people that will swarm a thread with anger filled rants against SOE. and its not just isolated to SWG questions...all the ills and problems in the world can be traced back to SWG....its astounding.


Ive never been able to fathom why people who no longer play a game continue to find themselves continuely posting about them. Its like holding an AA meeting at Joes Tavern or eating lunch in the smokers area at work even after you quit 5 months ago.

[insert some quabble about finding inner strength thru temptation here]

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I too am VERY tired of the whining and complaining. If you find the game so utterly abhorrent, go elsewhere. It's that simple. Some would say that continuing to play a game that you find so horrid is an indication of lack of intelligence on a certain level.


Yet, something keeps them here. It's intriguing. I think a psychiatrist would find the dichotomy very interesting.

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I just stick around because it's interesting, kind of like a train wreck... you shouldn't watch, but it's hard to resist.


I still play the game, but nowhere near as much as I used to. I'll stay on for awhile, just to see how things work out though - some aspects of the game are fun, but I had alot more fun pre-CU, and certainlly pre-NGE.

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