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I quit SWG


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hah thats awsome, i ran into a whole bunch of them the other day on kash


and it seems that some people are just plain rude in galaxies (as in all games), me and some other imp were in the mos cantina, and some reb walked up and started poking fun, so we started taunting each other, we were really just having a good time, so i muttered "rebel scum", upon hearing our conversation a lvl 90 jedi came over and started chewing me out saying how he could beat me down and all that, it was quite stupid, people can sometimes take this game waaaay to seriously

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go rebels! lol just kidding, although i support rebels all the way.


But here is a summary of my day today =


got flamed from a lvl 80 for being a lvl 79, got called a noob and such


got flamed on mustafar for having to leave even though i had been there all day, sorry just i gotta eat sometime!


got flamed on kashyyyk for killing wookiees on bravo task force quest, so i invite ppl to join me but get told to **** off because i am killing all the wookiees


and finally got flamed in theed (after hitting lvl 80) for deathblowing a lvl 90 jedi because he used saber block and i switched to melee, and for some reason it showed him running when incapped.




i have now got an alt entertainer who gets flamed for being a beggar even though i just dance in theed, not actually asking for anything because i dont need anything, and certainly not spamming the chat channel like some traders that r there.


so it seems i am a flame magnet, i reccomend u stay away from me incase u get flamed too, lol.

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