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Devastation in India

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Just heard on CNN that my favorite subcontinent, India, was struck with a 7.9 richter-scale earthquake. That's eighty times as powerful as the one in Loma Prieta (California) and centered in one of the poorest, most densely-populated areas of the world. Right now the death toll is in the hundreds, but the crisis is pretty much still going on, and the reckoning won't be known for days. These first twenty-four hours are the most critical for rescuing people trapped in the collapsed rubble; at this very moment, some hurt and terrified people are praying desperately with everything they have.


I would request that the rest of us take a moment to join our prayers with theirs.


The quake was centered in Gujarat. That's not far from Punjab. Those forumites familiar with me will recognize that I have a number of friends (all named Singh rolleyes.gif ) from Punjab. At this moment I am fearful for the relatives of people I know.


Thank you. smile.gif Funny sig to brighten this dark post:




'Don't shoot--Your sister's in the cockpit with me!'


(Customized taunt #227)


[This message has been edited by Zoom Rabbit (edited January 26, 2001).]

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Guest garyah99

I'm already adding MY prayers. I'm listening to the news now, At least 500 people have been killed and they say that could easily rise to over 1000. frown.gif

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I heard that they had felt tremors, but i hadn't heard about this.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of them.



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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The death toll is already up to around 2000.


Something doesn't seem right Zoom...Loma Prieta was a 7.1 The 1906 one in San Francisco was 8.3 and "ten times as powerful" as Loma Prieta (I have all the newspaper articles from back then and I always dig them out when I hear about a big quake) Neither of those estimates seems right to me...I wonder what the magnitude multipler thing IS...


[This message has been edited by Nute Gunray (edited January 26, 2001).]

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The ricter scale works on a multiplyer of ten, so a EQ on the ricter scale of 2 is TEN TIMES MORE POWERFUl than a EQ that registered on the richter scale of 1.

so, a 8.3 is ABOUT Ten times more powerful than a 7.1. ABOUT, you have to take into accnt the .2 difference, so it's actually about 10.2 times more powerful.


I'm the genius, i know, you can all stop bowing to me now. biggrin.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Phones are out...no news.


Looking pretty grim over there. And what's up with all these other quakes around the world? eek.gif


Message to India: please accept outside help! Really. frown.gif

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Again, i must explain.................. biggrin.gif

There are 2 types of waves accociated with EQ's, P-Waves, and S-Waves. P waves are the fastest, and are like taking a slinky, streaching it out, and pushing it forward quickly. S-Waves are what everyone feels though. there like taking said slinky and moving it side ways, like water waves. now, These waves can travel through the earth, but only P-waves can go through the the core. so, All those smaller EQ's around the world we're the result of the really big one in India, because the waves we're really, really strong.

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This talk just made me remember a sad time for me. I was around 6 years old maybe younger, I'm not sure. Well I was living on an Airforce base, and the night before there was a nice big rain storm. The next day me, my brother and a friend go outside in the back of some houses. The base was doing some kind of constuction and there were some ditches around. There in a ditch filled with water. we found a manican or at least what we thought was a manican (we were young). Well it turns out that we were wrong and it was a the brother of a family we knew, how had drowned in the ditch trying to get a ball. From what my parents have told me it was tramatic for me and my brother obviously, finding a dead person. Can't remember anything after that really.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin doesn't believe in Coffeebean, either. rolleyes.gif Nevertheless...


Thoughts work. In that big subconscious mixing pool where we all go to dream at night, positive wishes get passed on to the people that really need them. The survivors could use that positive mental energy right now to hold themselves up as they face the challenges of continuing to survive in the rubble; disease hasn't yet set in, but the infrastructure is compromised badly enough that living conditions could get that bad. If you and I can lend our strength to those earthquake victims as a species sharing a common destiny...well, who cares how it happens?





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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Some good news. All of my Punjabi friends' family are alive and well. Apparently, the damage wasn't that bad in their area. smile.gif


However, the death toll is now estimated to be around twenty thousand. Everyone should read that last sentence again and think about it quietly for a moment.



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Guest SadShadow

the body count its now about 15000 frown.gif

very tragic...

Rest in Peace...

May the Force be with you...

(i forgot a 0 frown.gif i wish it only 1500


"Im becoming less human..."



The Lone Shadow Wing


[This message has been edited by SadShadow (edited January 30, 2001).]

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Guest garyah99

Just heard on the news that the death toll could rise to over 100,000 (that's right, 5 0's). And I could give you my thoughts on the reasons for so many earthquakes recently, but I don't want to start a controversy.


[This message has been edited by garyah99 (edited January 29, 2001).]

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

A multi-spatial singularity, traveling at high velocity, at a right angle to the solar system's ecliptic, has disturbed the Earth's tectonics?


My thoughts exactly!

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

If singularities aren't multispatial--occupying more than their immediate area of space--then into what do they remove matter from this universe?


Can't have a wormhole through nothing, jack! tongue.gif

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