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(301NAR) fighting the Zhugs


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For those interested in what this is about: there was some unused content around the duros fight after Atton returns to the ship from the cantina and his fight against the twin suns there. It calls for the player to choose 2 companions to accompany atton and fight their way to the docks and the player. To quote the GP notes from the dialog in question (attwarn2.dlg) "{[Choose three companions: They will go to 301 and 303, and their goal is to reach the doorway to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. They will fight a crapload of Duros, and then the Gand in the flophouse.]}". The full party selection node tree rests at the bottom of the file.


There's also content from 303 (the docks) which suggests that Mira wanted you to (and told you to) enter the Jekk Jekk Tar to go after Visquis. Given the ammount of content (full dialog trees) and the absolute incompatibility with the current plot, my guess is that a) it's early material or b) it's from the E3 demo. My money's on the latter.

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