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New Force Power - TLK Problem


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I'm using KotOR TLK to edit the SWKotOR2 dialog.tlk, and add two new entries (136377 and 136378). I'm able to save the file just fine and load the file back up with the entries still there in the with the text working fine. I set the name and spelldesc to those entries and saved spells.2da to my override directory. Yet when I try to give the power to my character using KSE v.3.3.3, the power shows up as 'Bad StrRefE'. Ingame the force power name shows up as 'Bad StrRefE' and the description shows up as ÿÿ* with a white square next to the * symbol. I made sure to type the name and the description right in the KotOR TLK fields and not copy text from another source. Otherwise, the power works just as intended. I'm just not understanding why it shows up just fine inside the tlk editor (even after closing and reopening), but nothing else.

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Yea, I thought that might have been a possibility as well. However, unfortunately, there weren't any spaces in the name/spelldesc columns (if that is what you meant).


EDIT: Also, as entry 0 in dialog.tlk, I noticed Bad StrRef. However, I'm not sure where this Bad StrRefE is coming from.

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Never had any problems with adding entries to dialog.tlk either. Some things off the top of my head if no one has any better ideas:

  • Did you modify the existing dialog.tlk in place, or did you put it in the override folder?
  • Did you use any non-english unicode characters in the text? (Shouldn't be a problem, but you never know...)
  • If you open your modified dialog.tlk with another TLK editor, does everything look fine there too?
  • If you are using a non-english version of the game, did you add the corresponding entries in dialogf.tlk as well?

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Ah, just decided to try and look in TalkEd, it shows 'Bad StrRefE' as the first entry and 'ÿÿ*' as the second entry just like ingame and KSE (not sure what the symbol after the * is, but it isn't visable everywhere). Strange why KotOR TLK was showing it as fine.


Also, for anyone else that may have the problem later on, using TalkEd seemed to work fine for me. Also, I didn't use any non-english characters and I'm using the english version of the game.


So, thanks for the help and the suggestion.

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