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Wait somthing is wrong


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1)Master Vosh right? ummm she is dead when you arrive right? why does my strat guid say to kill her to earn DS points??


2) Why does my start guid say that Atris takes the name Darth Traya? She is just Atris in my game.


3) The Serrico(sp?) there is an option to tell them to attack the Exchange..anyway to make this happen? They just keep saying bad idea and then I kill them all.

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1) Strategy guides are frequently written/published while games are still in development. Any change made to a game in the between when the author finishes the guide and when the game is published will not be accounted for.


2) see #1


3) Cut content I imagine. If you look at the dialog file itself, you'll see that there is no successful option for this branch of the dialog (they all end in violence).

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Gray_Master for skins & mods, check the editing forums ;)


Holowan labs ->if you want to learn modding. There is also a modding requests subforum there (this is where this kind of question should be posted - you can repost your question over there as I am closing this thread: wrong forum + off-topic)


Taris Upper City Emporium-> where modders can announce their new mod releases



or, you can use KSE (available on our website http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php ) and select one of the game twiliek's appearances (if I remember there is a green twilek on the docks - I don't remember his name )

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