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[TSL] Darth Avius Mod


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Hi everyone,


I've started on my first Mod. Because I've only started modding for a few weeks, don't expect too much of it. :)

I still need to learn how to edit Modules (or create new ones), but creating a new one takes a lot of time, and because I'm still learning, I'll just use the Ravager in the beginning. Later, I hope I can change it a bit.


Ok, this mod is a sidequest. The story is about a Jedi how went to join the Sith (How original! :p) after the Mandalorian Wars, by the name of Avius. After Revan left known space, he started his own army in secret.


This is the robe Darth Avius is going to wear: http://img484.imageshack.us/img484/7933/darthaviusrobe8ij.gif


I'm sorry if it's bad quality, I've done this quickly.


Now I'm busy writing the dialogues, so this will take some time. And I'll be learning how to work with the module editor.


If you have some questions, advice, etc. don't hesitate to post. I'm just a beginner, so I can use all the help I can get.

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