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Spring Training

Guest Thrawn

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I got nowt(a nice Yorkshire word) against Canada. It's a nice country.

Ever see that film canadian bacon?

It makes canadians out as really nice people, if you listen hard enough.

And I can't make up for my ancestors mistakes, you know. So don't start on me for stuff that was done 300 years ago. I don't believe in past lives.

I'm glad to see some of you view us as equals. That's gratifying.


If we could all think each other were equal, we'd be one step closer to world peace. I want world peace. It's better for everyone.


"All God's people, black and white, Gentile or Jew, Catholic or Protestant, will join hands and sing 'Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'"


Martin Luther King, an American.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Hee-hee. Group hug!


...Okay, now can we continue with the amusing antics? *(Puts on Prince Charles mask and waffles into the microphone.)*



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back on topic, THRAWN:


he got 256 million I THINK, all i know is that the team hes on is worth only 252 million as it was bought for that amount less than a month before he was aquired, he DOUBLED the value of the team.


and another note: I am a true YANK, and my NAVY can kick everyone elses armed forces ASSES at ONCE.


another thing: cockney is a really neat accent, on e of my friends has that accent.

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You don't notice your accent until you met someone with another. Some of my frineds joke that I'm "Posh" because I have a half-london accent. The other half's from Liverpool. But to anyone else from the south of England, I sound like a northerner.

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