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Force Powers


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the character file is actually the .npc behavour control. it is the base of the npc's characteristics. it sets the charachter's name, weapons used, battle tactics, model, force powers, force points, hit points, speed etc.


enter "assets1/ext_data/npcs/" and you will find the npc files. there you can modify the character file to your wishes and apply it to a model...custom or not -> your choice.

in any case, after you have done that, go ingame and change your playermodel to what you wish with the "playermodel <npc name>" cmd. your model should then transform and you should have most of the characteristics you configed.


i can give you a tutorial on how to make it really easy to "be the model you want". even inside the cutscenes. so gimme a shout if you want that. :)

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