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Entire party is dead?? :S

Darth Exilus

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I'm on Nar Shaddaa currently right after the part where Atton has to face the two Twi'lek's. After the conversation with the rest of the group it switches to my Main Character but apparently hes dead and I have to reload. I am extremely confused as to why this is happening and I can't see it being anything else but a bug.

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It might be because I used KSE to modify my attributes on my party (yes, i'll admit it, i'm a cheater, tried and true :p) , but I don't see why that would cause something like this to happen.


I have two mods installed, one that gives me a hood for Jedi robes and another that lets me wear the Nihilus mask, those two mods are very minor though, and I doubt they would have any impact on why this is messing up.

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Wait a second....I think I might have figured it out. The skip peragus mod. When I used that mod it allowed me to skip past peragus by using the terminal at the end of the hall....but, there was one very important item that the mod forgot to give me, the Space Suit. If i'm not mistaken, Mira takes the Space Suit from you right at the part where I am now, and since I don't have it in my items....this could be what's causing the Entire Party Killed bug I keep getting.


I only had the Entire Party Killed bug one other time, it was on Telos after I brought the Czerka Droid to download the Mainframe, I got the bug after that. Then I reloaded and I did not get the bug. I have reloaded about 15 times on this Nar Shaddaa part and I still keep getting it.


Does anyone know what the code is to spawn the Space Suit? If so i'll use that and see if it works.

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