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Your Favorite XWA Craft

Air Juggernaut

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

*(Likes topic here, and expands it to include all Star Wars craft.)*


Well, I vote for my A-wing, with my TIE/A coming in a close second...but my sweet baby spaceship of all time (inb Star Wars) would have to be that neat royal cruiser the Noobians had in the last movie.


Fast! I don't see why they had Artoo crawling around out there to fix the shield generator...if they'd switched the shields off, they could've dumped the energy into the engines, and the Neimoidian blockade would've been hard pressed to even hit the thing.


I know. smile.gif I do the same thing in my A-wing when I'm trying to drop heavy rockets into capital ships. They just can't hit you when you're going that fast.



'It takes forty-seven muscles to frown...but only two to pull the trigger.'

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zoom you're going to make me cry.

nubian=from nubia

naboo=from naboo

the Nubian hyperdrive was manufactured off of Naboo and imported. if you're from Naboo you're called "Naboo." This is inferred from "Queen of the Naboo."

in short nubian (noobian) does not equal naboo


A line from the Rogue Squadron game is what makes me pick the X-Wing as my favorite Rebel fighter, simply from the military documentary voice of the narrator guy in the tech briefs: "The Incom T-65 is the fighter that killed the Death Star."

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I prefer the tug, it has a nice cooshy deat, with modest speed, and a couple of nice utility arms to open up those tight cans of pickled ell. A couple of hish intensity seach beams to do some peeping tomming, and a built in fridge to keep my beer cold. And a great view from the pilto seat. all i need is an external holocamera to get the big game and it can be the ultimate bachlors ship

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Guest emupiett

Nice one Kinnison! LOL!


My favorite Imp ship is the Assault Gunboat. My favorite Rebel ship is the X-Wing. I also like the R-41.



"Intensify forward firepower!!"

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

What are you messing with, an embroidery gun?


*(Honks Nute's nose.)* Noobian! Noobian!





'It takes forty-seven muscles to frown...but only two to pull the trigger.'

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Oh, and A-wings hadn't been invented yet when the first Death Star was destroyed. rolleyes.gif


They were involved in blowing up the second one at the Battle of Endor (their size proving invaluable on the trip to the reactor core.) And I won't even mention what just one A-wing did to an SSD at the very same battle...


'Speed is life; ergo, fly the A-wing or die.'


*(Opens throttle to demonstrate)*.............Zoooooooooooooooooommm--!

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Yeah i used to like the A-wing until i flew it in rouge squadron before i put in the cheat for advanced shields - it was so weak i took 2 hits and was falling towards the ground. The xwing is the best all round craft if u take all your energy and put it into the engines then it can still do a missile run with out getting hit, my favorite rebel craft would have to be the tie advanced but i only fly it against other tie advanceds because otherwise its so easy it like cheating so second favorite would be the tie fighter because it teachs u to fly u have to manuver (sp) to survive, to fly a tie u have to be much better than a rebel pilot. my favorite private ship would have to be the yt-2000 (i always thought it would be the yt2400 but when i editied the ship list and tried it out i realised that it was really any good) my favoirte capital ship would have to be ISD because its turn rate is much quicker than the SSD and along as u concentrate all your fire on one ship u can plow through any number of SSD



Hindsight is 20:20

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Guest Rogue 9

I will take an X-wings Manuverability over an A-Wings speed any day, Just look on to the A wing a fire a Proton Torpedeo, Poof no more a-wing...And an X-wing can take several missle hits

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