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Making a piller fall


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I hardly know anything about scripting but I figure this idea would be easiest to do with a script. I want to make a piller in my map, and when I destroy the base of the piller, make the piller fall over. I think it should probably be an easy thing to do, all I want is for the piller to rotate 90 degrees (along the X axis I think) when the script is activated.


I dont know how to make the script for that at all, or how to make the script affect the piller brush that I want to make fall. So any help would be great :)

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Acceleration / decelaration or lack of them is controlled via the linear entity key in Radiant. Of course it could also be faked when the linear is toggled by multiple rotate commands, or either could be possibly artificially removed when the linear is zero by stopping the rotating entity with a second rotate command with very little or no time at all (zero time).


But yeah, a falling pillar should be such a big issue. Just have a func_breakable as the base, and have it target a scriptrunner, which will then control a func_static playing the part of a falling pillar. Add some dust cloud effects and a target_speaker for appropriate sounds. You could also use a soundset for the pillar, but it requires only a single instance of rotation (or moving) and thus is not a very viable option.

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