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Star Wars: Temptation Rising

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This fan fiction is a work of my own. All characters and events are of mine and my friend, Dan Haas', creation. This is in honour of that same friend of mine. Please, feel free to leave any comments you'd like, as well as any ideas as this is a work in progress. Thank you all.


This story is about two Jedi twins, Varick and Voshon Keltron, and the dark menace and trials they face. Set during the time period of Episode 1, just a few months before that fateful expedition.



Star Wars: Temptation Rising


Chapter One


He was bored, beyond bored. The being stood there talking and all he heard was blah, blah, blah. This creature had been ranting on and on for the better part of two hours, trying quote every injustice inflicted upon their species for the last century. Obviously trying to go with the sympathy route, it was boring the young man to tears. His voice was grating too, alternating between his native tounge and broken basic. He was begining to zone out, not a good thing for a Jedi; even worse for a Padawan.


His dark eyes stayed lidded as he tried to filter out the noise, ie the current speaker, and concentrate on the Force, sensing it's sweet flow and ebbing presance. It somehow, made some of the pain go away; though it was going to take a lot of moving before his bottom felt the same again. Diplomatic missions were always the worst: bad chairs, boring speakers, fix this, solve that. Hey, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! it was hard to solve anything when one side was always complaining about something or getting offended by every other word. If it wasn't color it was race or gramar or this one had a code of ethics and the other one didn't. Idiots whining and griping over the simplest things, that if they would just grow up, mature a little bit, would be no big deal.


Part of his problem though, deep down, he was just a warrior. More at home with his lightsaber blazing or in the cockpit of a fighter, that was where the Force truly touched him, when he felt most alive. It was almost where he could read the other's intentions by just looking at them. His heart started racing faster as he thought of his favorite engagements, combining the majority against one foe. This talking crap was for losers with no talent at having a real job.


This was in stark contrast to his brother, also sitting in on this. Born a couple of minutes earlier, the elder still held that aura of I'm bigger than you. Even though it was highly discouraged, they interacted as siblings. It also had to do with their bond, as strong as durasteel, the younger could sense the elder halfway across the galaxy. This made for fast friends, brutal battles, fierce arguments and the closest of brothers. They did indeed, love each other as family and there was nothing that could be done about that, as each was fiercely loyal to the other. But in terms of temperment, the two couldn't be more different, though the younger knew that the older hid most of his aggresivness.


Sensing his younger brother's bordrom and, perhaps, even his wandering thoughts, the elder's striking blue eyes flickered toward the younger Keltron. with enough features to know they were related, the elder carried dark blue eyes and a lighter shade of brown hair, more wavy than curly, and kept it cut in a long buzz cut. Lanky and lithe, he stood a good three inches taller.


The younger was more muscular, than lithe, spending much more time in the gym than the library. His deep-set brown eyes were the color of dark ale to match his hair, which he kept at a military reg, high and tight, save for the Padawan's braid that hung loosely, resting lightly on his shoulder. His under robes were the darker brown as opposed to the beige ones as where his boots. Both wore the Brown robes of Jedi Knights, though the younger's was open as he semi-slouched in his chair.


His master nonchalantly flicked him on the leg, masking an amused smile by acting intruigued by the speaker's current rant. He had to suppress a chuckle ofhis own, knowing that his master was just as bored as he was, she was just better at hiding it.


Taking the "subtle" hint, his face showing the struggle he was making to get interested, he quickly reviewed the speaker's latest remarks on his Pad. Mining disputes. Apparently, an outside company was trying to take control of forty percent of the mines in the system. Luzra, long known for it's mining and minerals, was fighting against it. To them, it was a matter of principle. Mining was it's chief cash cow and all the mines were state owned. This company, Ventra Corp, was in the process of buying up as many mines as it could throught the sector, monolplizing it. Another aspect it was after was the R and D going into a new chip technology.


"What do you think about all this, Master Jedi?"


Se'laya Krauss' beautiful violet eyes flickered to her counterpart, the Caamasi Jedi, Ra'kada Moshat. The senior Jedi by MANY years, he was also the chief negotiator. Both pair of purple eyes locked onto one another and Krauss nodded.


"Both sides have presented very good arguments. Ventra Corp wants to expand, just like any other company, while the Government officals wish to keep their mines theirs." A common opening statement for him, trying to bridge the gap between the two.


"But the economy...?"


"It would help supply and demand!" the other interupted.


"I wasn't finished," Moshat snapped. It wasn't an evil, angry snap; just an attention grabber filled with force. "If you look at the big picture, this is the system's life force, their primary means of profit. It keeps their taxes down and provides countless jobs for the natives."


"I knew the Jedi would be bigioted toward the government!" The antagonizer, on Mylos Krent, protested. "Because Luzra is a Republic world, you would take their side! Hypocrites, this is outrageous!"


"Do you always make a habit of jumping to conclusions, Mr. Krent?" Krauss' melodious voice spoke up. Apparently, being the only female in the room of any stature was enough to quite the low roar of voices that was slowly starting up. "Please, allow my collegue to finish."


"I've heard enough of what he has to say!"


"And that is your problem, you don't want to listen to anyone but yourself."


"More proof that you are on the side of the Government!" Krent accused.


"Are you a moron?" the younger Jedi inquired, drawing a number of shocked gasps, "because obviously you're just trying to stir something up."


"Vosh..." Krauss hissed, while his brother just blushed. The Caamasi Jedi didn't say anything, remaining impassive, but the other...


(sorry, duty calls, will finish this in a bit)

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....but the other Jedi could feel his irritation. Voshon Keltron, the younger of the two twins, was not the most tactful indvidual in the galaxy. He normally prefered to be direct in everything except military tactics; he really despised polititians and made no effort to hide it. This was a bad thing, and one of the Advose representatives scoffed, though the comment wasn't directed at him or his party.

The Ventura Corp rep though, puffed up his chest and the Jedi could sense a storm about being ready to explode. This was going to be bad.

"Young Keltron has yet to fully master the SUBILTIES of discussion," the wise Caamasi spoke before the representative could launch his tirade. "He mistakes getting feelings vented for lack of sight. I'm sure, he didn't mean anything rude by it. He normally tends to speak his mind...valuable assest in some instances..."

"But not in this one," The Rep puffed, glaring angrily at the young Padawan. Vosh's face turned impassive, but his lack of shame was prominent to the other Jedi. Varrick blushed instead, inwardly shaking his head at his younger brother.

"True, and we shall deal with him in our own way. Untill tomorrow, Representative Frow."


The walk out was quite, with the younger Keltron trying to ignore the looks and feelings he was receiving.


(sorry, gotta play Marine again. Please leave comments if you have any :) )

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(OOC: Have edited some of the content of this story, so, please forgive the changes)


When's this ever going to end? he tapped his feet and drummed the fingers of his right hand against his knee. He could feel his mind begining to wander, as it often did at times like this; wander to more interesting, fast paced adventures. Be it the newest movment in a form or the thrill of dodgeing obstacles at breakneck speed, ANYTHING had to be better, more productive than listening to two, supposedly, grown sentients bicker back and forth.


This one wants this and that one doesn't like such and such, do this, do that...on and on it raved, till they were nothing more than a mindless thrum in the background. There were some things worth perking up too, and on theose rare occations, he was pulled from his orbit, but they were to far inbetween for his likng. He was begining to zone...not a good thing for a Jedi, even worse for a Padawan. His voice was grating too!


Problem was, deep down inside, he was a warrior. He had a code of ethics, an honour system, a way of doing things that didn't have time for the petty bull crap of politics. Who might be offended by me saying wipe one way instead of another! His eyes lidded, trying to drown out the noise, aka the current speaker, and concentrate on the Living Force, sensing it's sweet presance. Diplomatic missions were the worst: Bad food, Boring speakers, horrible chairs, fix this, solve that. Hey! watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat! Why his brother seemed so facinated by it, he couldn't fathom.


Glancing over, he tried not to roll his dark eyes as the image of his brother, soakin in every word, movement and gesture about made him gag. He longed for some action. Maybe, one of these Senators would come to be hostile. yeah, and then start throwing blows....yeah, then he could...


The double tap in his mind, one from his brother and the other from his master almost mad him grunt out loud. Despite the time spent developing the MASTER/APPRENTICE bond, his brother's still felt the sharpest, most clear. Their unusual connection to each other was cause of much debate within the higher echelons. Rare was suh a bond that held so deep, one that normally required a great deal of training and skill. Yet it came naturally, almost effortlessly to the twins.


Effecting a smirk at his lankier brother, he somberly turned his attention back to the debating representatives; or at least the translator sorting out all that gibberish. He'd learned to speak Iridonian and understand Wookie, but the Advose tounge was not one he was all too familiar with. he could catch a phrase or two, but it was mostly yibberish to him. he knew that his brother probably knew ten languages upsided down and another five in the wings.


This was in stark contrast to his brother, also sitting in on this. Born a couple of minutes earlier, the elder still held that aura of I'm bigger than you. Even though it was highly discouraged, they interacted as siblings. It also had to do with their bond, as strong as durasteel, the younger could sense the elder halfway across the galaxy. This made for fast friends, brutal battles, fierce arguments and the closest of brothers. They did indeed, love each other as family and there was nothing that could be done about that, as each was fiercely loyal to the other. But in terms of temperment, the two couldn't be more different, though the younger knew that the older hid most of his aggresivness.


Sensing his younger brother's bordrom and, perhaps, even his wandering thoughts, the elder's striking blue eyes flickered toward the younger Keltron. with enough features to know they were related, the elder carried dark blue eyes and a lighter shade of brown hair, more wavy than curly, and kept it cut in a long buzz cut. Lanky and lithe, he stood a good three inches taller.


The younger was more muscular, than lithe, spending much more time in the gym than the library. His deep-set brown eyes were the color of dark ale to match his hair, which he kept at a military reg, high and tight, save for the Padawan's braid that hung loosely, resting lightly on his shoulder. His under robes were the darker brown as opposed to the beige ones as where his boots. Both wore the Brown robes of Jedi Knights, though the younger's was open as he semi-slouched in his chair.


Well, this is his thing, he murmered silently to himself. He NEEDS to be well versed. I'm just here for protection.


He sniggere as he thought it more for DECORATION than anything esles. Why the Council deemed it necessary to have two Jedi Masters here was beyond him, and to include their Padawans? Something must be up, yet, for the eintire week they'd been here, the most exciting thing that happened was Senator Aldra Zoth breaking a sweat. cruel and unusual punishment,that's what this is!


The pair were now arguing over R and D research! The State (System) government controlled the mines, research, etc and gave out jobs freely to the people, keeping their taxes down. Doesn't work in many places, but, thus far, it was working here. Ventra Corps, a susdiary of Celtrek, wanted to purchase mining rights as well as a helping (and more than likely TAKING) hand. Luzra was long known for its successful mining operations and, most recently, a new chip technology for droids, improving their working efficentcy. In short, they were rolling high and sitting pretty...perfect time for the vultures to start circling.


Ventra, and, for that matter, Celtrek, might have legitamate, business reasons for wanting to have the mines and research go public...but the younger brother doubted it. No, it smelled of vulures and espianage to Voshon. Five coordinated attacks on three mines and two at the primary research facility practically SCREAMED foulplay. And the fact that it came when Ventra was gettin nowhere in their talks....



"What do you think about all this, Master Jedi?"


Se'laya Krauss' beautiful violet eyes flickered to her counterpart, the Caamasi Jedi, Ra'kada Moshat. The senior Jedi by MANY years, he was also the chief negotiator. Both pair of purple eyes locked onto one another and Krauss nodded.


"Both sides have presented very good arguments. Ventra Corp wants to expand, just like any other company, while the Government officals wish to keep their mines theirs." A common opening statement for him, trying to bridge the gap between the two.


"But the economy...?"


"It would help supply and demand!" the other interupted.


"I wasn't finished," Moshat snapped. It wasn't an evil, angry snap; just an attention grabber filled with force. "If you look at the big picture, this is the system's life force, their primary means of profit. It keeps their taxes down and provides countless jobs for the natives."


"I knew the Jedi would be bigioted toward the government!" The antagonizer, on Mylos Krent, protested. "Because Luzra is a Republic world, you would take their side! Hypocrites, this is outrageous!"


"Do you always make a habit of jumping to conclusions, Mr. Krent?" Krauss' melodious voice spoke up. Apparently, being the only female in the room of any stature was enough to quite the low roar of voices that was slowly starting up. "Please, allow my collegue to finish."


"I've heard enough of what he has to say!"


"And that is your problem, you don't want to listen to anyone but yourself."


"More proof that you are on the side of the Government!" Krent accused. Voshon had to reign himself in harshly. Nobody talked to his master that way, but his older brother, Varrick stopped him short. mercifully, time ran out and the session was called to a close, to be picked up early tomorrow.


"We appreciate the Jedi for overseeing these talks and appoligize for the....uniformed statments of a few. You honour us with your presance."


More political bantha podoo, but the apperances must be kept. Luckily, his Master did the majority of the talking and all he had to do was smile or glare. Ah, the life of a Padawan.


"Well, I'm glad that's over," this time, he did yawn.


"Vosh, did you even know what was going on half the time?" His taller brother inquired. Sharp blue eyes held a bit of admonishment, but he knew from experiance not to argue. Voshon just wasn't a diplomat, no two ways about it.


"Yeah, one guy wanted the city hall blue, the other tourquoise..."




"Sorry, master," he bowed his head, apoligetically. "I just have a hard time with all this pointless debate and usless talk. That's all it is, talk. Nobody SAYS anything!"


Jedi Master Se'laya Krauss smiled knowinly and shook here head, wavy strands of curly hair swirled in thick masses, held back by a family crest jewel. The Golden clasp was inscribed in the native language of her people.

The Coruscant native had been trying for years to have Voshon appreciate the "quite" times, though, she too thrived on more..."active" times. A virtroso with the saber, her sword skills were on par with any male, and her scarlet blade could deftly scortch a hand or appendage with little effort and a quick flicky of her slender wrist. that, combined with her variious martial arts skills and array of Force powers, made her one of the most fearsome opponents in the Order. Probably why she, and, in effect, he was here.


The situation with the Advose on Luzra was volitile, indeed. With the industrial espiange, attacks and general unrest, the Jedi were asked to intervene. Some of the higher ups wanted to let the government companies go public to bring in more revenue and jobs. So far, the presance of the Jedi had kept the insurgents at bay, but how long it would last was questionable. Ventra Corps was a decent sub-company, but Celtrek...That alone warrented Voshon keeping his eyes on them, and the fact that they'd had a run in before with corrupt members of this company. That's what happens when you go up against a corporation that was closely alligned with the Trade Federation.


Varrick agreed with his younger brother, still suprised at his insight; but one thing his brother was, it was cunning. He picked up enough to know what was going on then tunned the rest of the world out.


"I agree, but I don't think that Ventra Corps is foolish enough to attack that mine. Not with the government workers," Master Moshat, hi white fur smooth, observed. "None the less, I've seen it happen before. Today did not go well for Ventra and Celtrek. We should post a guard there, just in case."


"A wise move, master Moshat," Krauss smiled. "Voshon, since talk wearies you so, go to the caves and report it anything happens. Take Ichi with you."


"Yes, Master."


Moshat watched him leave. The confidence, just twinged with a bit of arrogance. Excitment to, though the young one had learned to control it well, no doubt under the staunch guidence of Master Krauss. He couldn't help but compare the two brothers, no matter how many times they'd worked together, from their postures and stances to their attitudes. Voshon would fight his way through a nest of angry gundarks for a common power cell, while Varrick would either circumvent them or place them in a stasis. True, Voshon Keltron hardly killed, but his hand was never far from his lightsaber's hilt.


Varrick had that same quick wit about him, to get the job done, but was more prone to words than swords. That did not, however, stop him from mastering his onw lightsaber techniques, though he prefered finesse as opposed to brute strength. Varrick could cut an enitire legion down with his words just as easily as if he were using a blade...and his control over his powers was storn and growing, already advancing to the higher tiers of control. He would make a fine Knight indeed.


"Come, Varrick," the Caamasi intoned, "we've much to sipher out."


"I'll report if Vosh runs into anything and send an update to the Council."


"Should be soon," the elder Master said dryly, "I think he goes looking for trouble."

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Seated in the center lounge, Varick Keltron tried to get comfortable on the mat. Meditation was difficult when his brother was there. Always in mind, it was especially distracting when it was his job that was forefront, not the other way around, like on Calchavor IV when they'd put down an uprising, or Thalis VII or...The galaxy was teeming with conflicts, hopefully, they could avoid this one, without resorting to Voshon's prefered method.


He worried about his younger brother, such restlessness and battle hunger could prove foreboding and ill. There had never been a question that Vosh would walk the path of a Jedi. His quick reflexes and natural born instincts made him a deadly foe indeed. Of course, the same could be said of the reflective Varick, whom faced the smae trials, yet curbed it so much easier.


But for all that voshon was, he also had the most compassionate heart. he'd given the robe off his back countless times to strangers, handed out credits to the needy, and , even, watched over some kids whose parents just needed a lilttle quite time. Those were traits he was glad to share, to one degree or the other, with the younger Keltron.


"You seem a bit restless, Padawan," Moshat spoke from his mat, violet eyes still shut in peacefull oblivion. "Thinking of your brother?"


Varick squirmed a bit. his Master knew him well indeed, having even shared some memnii once. No, he squirmed because of lack of disipline, his lil brother had that effect on him.


"It's hard not to worry," he admitted.


(more to come)

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"He can be so headstrong and cares little for any negotiation that doesn't happen at the snap of an appendage!"


"Were you so different?" His Camasii eyes sparkled with amusement. "Your quick with your tounge, he with the blade. Whic does the most damage?"


Once again, his Master had blindsided him with a lesson, always when he was analyzing another. Always something about himself that was wrong, deficent. It was...frustrating. Always introspect.


"Do not center on you anxieties, young one, and do not center your focus on the faults of another."


"Yes, Master." His blue eyes turned downward. "it's hard...especially when it's your brother."


"Another reason why we stress an absence of family ties, though, in your family's case, there are exceptions."


The tone was one echoed among many in the Order, especially the most influential and prominent. family ties, attachements of any kind were forbbiden, yet there were exceptions, there were always exceptions, be it culture or outright defiance. Theirs was a mixture of both, a tradition all to its own and a source of great pride. few could boast of a tradition as rich and prominent as theirs. The Halcryons and Carvers to be sure, as well as Ki-Adi-mundi's family line, but few rivaled their strength, determination and courage...nor their pure hearts. Many families had their black sheep, ones that drifted from the light; theirs, however, was suprisingly absent of fallen family, at least, compared to most, but the few that had been...


Bloodlines, the belief that evil is hereditary. as if having a dark relative would taint a line.


Thoughts like these often filled his mind, when he was looked down upon for keeping contact with his Force Sensative parents and knowing his heritage, butno more than when he crossed paths with his brother. So headstrong, so powerful...truth be told, it scared him. Voshon's passionate nature, his desire for good, that quick temper, the battlefever, he could sense racing through him, shining like the Suns; if left unchecked...Well, he hoped it would never come to it.


"You should talk to him more about how you feel." yes, he should. They hadn't had much dialouge since their paths crossed at Perevue VI. They had be truly young then, barely five years out of the temple, if that, though their paths had crossed a few other tiems since then, the only truly notable time between them had been Thalis; that wasn't a time fondly remembered. The darkness and trials associated with that set of missions still bothered him. It was there he'd also seen his brother's darker side, though not truly dark just vengeful...his brother's heart contained many strong convictions.


"You feel it necssary for two Padawans to protect the mines?"


"I feel it necessary for two PEERS to work out their differences. Before this missions over, I have a feling you two will be spending lots of time together."


Varick pondered this, somber words that hi his soul, like a dark warning, making his heart pulse that much quicker and his desire to get to the mines, that much stronger.

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I'll just be happy when someone finally comments on mine' date=' even just to say keep going LOL[/quote']


Don't worry, very few people comment on dan fics. I myself have only gotten two different people commenting on mine ( though Jasra seems to really like it. Especially the yelt mouse thing:xp: )

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"...and the four large veins all converge in this one large caver. From here, our supervisors can have direct control over the operation and a clear link to the command buildings."


Voshon noddd, observant eyes scanning every nook and cranny, applying it to his warriors mind, searching for the best way to exploit each position. He could dseriously care less what this moron was droning about; coming off as a company man right off the bat.


hmmmm, high catwalks, four veins almost evenly apart in spacing with the exit shaft facingtwo. Exit shaft inclines gently to the elevator, lots of space. Those miniveins are going to be a pain too.


"Is this and the cargo elevator the only ways in or out?"


"There are a few shafts that lead to the surface, some extremely unstable. We haven't got them all secured, lots of instability."


"How many of them are safe?"


"No more than half." Great and what if one should become stuck?


"Are they service tunnels, escape hatches?"


"a little of both. Each vein contains a Service and cargo tunnel, though only the main arterys have a service tunnel."


"Which tunnels are unfit?"


"Tunnel one is currently being fixed, the only tunnel working there is the service tunnel in artery four. We had a cave in due to the recent attacks, so we're clearing the debris...loosing a lot of money because of that..." The Supervisor started his rant about money and loss of it, how it affected the company. Voshon tried to suppress a sigh and glanced at his companion and sometime partner in crime.


Ichi Klive, a slant eyed, raven haired beauty from the Antarian Rangers; she'd worked on many missions with the young Jedi. She was also the commanding officer of the Antarian Rangers Daughter. The younger Keltron found her to be a quite confident and a mean sparring partner, he still had a few bruises from their last bout. Those bruises he let heal themselves, instead of submitting to a Healing; they were badges, earned and given in friendship. Ichi understood him in a way few did; there's nothing he wouldn't do for her. He felt quite certain that she felt the same way.


Catching his eye, her full, sensous lips split in a soft, knowing smile, before quickly conceling it almost drawing an amused laugh from Voshon. Just like when they were younger, playing pranks on the adults.


Letting the speaker continue his boring drabble about rocks and establish a bit of a lead, Ichi rolled her eyes, signifiying her boredrom. Klay answered with a soft laugh and nodded before making his own face. This drew a giggle out of Ichi and she quickly brought her finger up to her lips in the "shushing" geasture. Shaking his head, he returned back to the rest of the world.


"What about security?" For this answer, he was taken to the Security shack, high in the center of the main cavern, suspended about fifty feet off the ground. An octogonal construct, providing a full view of the cavern and its enterances, it gave one a sense of power and control. Though the equipment was old, it functioned well and was kept in great condition. "Love the view."


Ichi pinched his arm and mouthed, "Hush." The control room had numreous consoles and substations monitoring everything one could possibly imagine for a mine. It kind of had a bridge feel to it; and what bridge would be complete with out a command deck? Raised above the rest of the stations to give the On Shift Supervisor a complete view of every station, its command chair had it's own array of devices, mostly comm from what Voshon could decipher.


Ichi walked down to talk with the security chief while Voshon continued to listen to the Head Super, trying to appear interested. From his point of view, he'd told him everything he needed to know about this mine; the rest was just fluff. He began thinking that maybe Varrick should have come on this mission; he was much better at dealing with this time of mindless chatter.


"Voshon, all seems to be in order. Three sets of raming patrols, all relieved at different hours, security fields and a small interior guard. All in all, not bad..." Ichi's clear, resonating voice also hid the silent not gooe, either comment, which he heard loud and clear. Sometimes, it seemed that they could read eachother almost as well as his brother and him could; though Ichi possesed no Talent for the Force herself, she, nonetheless, could read Voshon like an open data padd in full view. They'd served toghetehr many times throughout the years, known each other even longer, when the young Padawan and the Antarian Ranger were but children, learning their trades.


Looking into her big, brown eyes, Voshon felt himself smiling again and caught a glimpse of her own amusement as well. Her dark black hair was held tighly in a militant bun and she walked with the confident poise of one well aware of her own killing abilities, a lethal grace. The Antarian Rangers wore no set uniform, save the brown fighter jacket, a gift when one proved worthy of the title Ranger. Voshon still remembered the ceremony when Ichi had received hers, not a year earlier. A good time indeed.


"Well," he grinned, "let's hope it's a quite night."


"You reported back to Master Krauss?" This elected a small, bemused sigh and a funny smile.


"Just about too."


"Right." She knew him too well.


"Well, I wanted to have something to report first. you of all people, know how thorough she is about such things."


"Yeah, sure. Just make the call."


"Since when do Rangers tell Jedi what to do?"


"When I see one, then I'll listen. Besides, I've been telling you what to do since you were nine." She walked away before he could retort back.

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