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Been talking about it with my mates too.

We came to the conclusion that LA only has 2 choices:

a) Keep the engine, increase graphics (To counter Mass Effect a.o ), and put Bioware or Obsidian on the job, since they know how to handle the engine. Giving another developer the job, might result in a bad game.

b) Get a whole new engine, developing team. A New start. This means they develop something completely new, without any connections (Grapical and Stoy) to the other parts. This way, they can dump EO and BIO, and get another little company they can put inhuman pressure on (Cynical refference to Kotor 2).


So...as it seems now, they are in the planning fase, wich means they will go for b.

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Uhm, well, I am not gonna get into how much I "trust" EGM...


Also, IGN listed it in their "Games for 2007" article. Trust me on this one: As much as i'd love to be wrong, we won't be playing Mass Effect this year.


haha fair enough. I just got excited when I saw it in their preview issue. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I'll probably be disappointed (no game has ever met my expectations), but I think it could be an interesting trilogy.

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